SO I THINK THIS DOCTOR JUST BECAME MY HERO. HE IS FAR MORE SENSIBLE THAN MOST.... ...But the truth about Ebola, like so many other issues, is too big to fit on a sign. Too big to fit on a sign, but worth considering: In Dallas, our own experience with Mr Duncan should prove helpful. *No one in personal contact with him before he was admitted contracted Ebola. No one on the planes he travelled on. Not even his close family and friends, who were in daily contact with him as he grew sicker. No one in the emergency room who saw him without special protection on his first visit, even though he had symptoms and fever. No one involved in his second ER visit-- even though he was sicker-- including the paramedics contracted the disease. And they were not using the protective gear now recommended. Dozens of other clinicians and support staff were involved in his care and did not get ebola. The two nurses who contracted the disease from exposure when Mr Duncan was at his sickest were around others before they were diagnosed. No friend or family contact of either contracted Ebola. No one in Ohio contracted Ebola. No one on the flights to or from Ohio contracted Ebola. This is not a fluke. We arent lucky no one else got sick. It is consistent with the science. But the science is too big to fit on a sign... ...But heres the real truth: The most effective way to protect ourselves, is to invest in stopping ebola in its tracks in West Africa. They know what to do, they just need our help doing it. When we discourage American healthcare workers from going there to help, we are likely prolonging the epidemic, and increasing our own risk of having Ebola brought to our shores. Respect the seriousness of the disease. Protect those who are joining in the fight. And shame on us for letting politics and media market share overrule good sense and knowledge. But that is too big to put on a sign.... ~ Doug Patten Chief Medical Officer; Medical Director, Hospital Engagement Network at Georgia Hospital Association https://linkedin/today/post/article/20141101142913-31532148-the-truth-is-too-big-to-fit-on-a-sign?_mSplash=1
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 17:09:29 +0000

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