SO I got up on stage in front of a big audience with Teal Scott: - TopicsExpress


SO I got up on stage in front of a big audience with Teal Scott: The Spiritual Catalyst Fan Page Teal Scott in London today!!! I have never been more nervous but I KNEW I was going to do that-I dreamt of this day for over a year. I KNEW I would be last on stage-a knowing feeling I now have faith in. I now have confirmation that my guides are plaidean. AND I KNEW IT deep down. And I dont care if anyone thinks Im insane because I KNOW MY TRUTH-and it doesnt matter if is not yours-It doesnt matter if its not true for anyone else because I have never felt more sure of me and more love for the whole world and everyone in it, including myself! WHAT an experience! WOW I am just ecstatic, emotional and overwhelmed after this AMAZING intense day, with Clare Elizabeth Waldron. Thank you Clare for joining me! I will cherish this forever. You are a true soul sista! You are shining brightly and I want you to have faith in yourself because you are way more aligned than you think you are! I have been crying and laughing all at he same time. Teal Scott-I have never felt more gratitude towards someone. You are an angel on earth! I can not believe how high vibe you remain whilst going through everything you do! Youre ability to help others is beyond remarkable. You are he most accepting, loving, allowing, passionate person I have ever met and a true inspiration to me. Words can not describe how amazing you are. You are truly beautiful inside and out! I wish I could articulate what I feel right now. This day is a turning point in my life. I wish everyone could KNOW their truth and LOVE themselves and LOVE the earth and everyone on it the way I do right this second! And I know this all sounds so frickin cheesy but its the truth. I love you. ALL of you. I also found out that my aura is CRYSTAL! OMG you have NO idea how elated I am to finally know this- For so long I have felt like a chameleon- meaning I can mould to whoever Im with (when I am in a good space emotionally), I have so much empathy for others I have almost felt like I become the other person before. I even did a YouTube clip about this but never posted it because I felt silly saying Im a chameleon-like its a negative thing-like I dont have my own identity because I seem to fit whoever Im with ...NOW I KNOW WHY! This is the exact unique quality of a crystal aura-it is neutral and can become any colour depending on who Im with- This just made SO much sense to me. I am a Crystal through and also means Im natural healer. I KNEW this my whole life and was so scared to express this as a teenager! I have always wanted to heal. OK I have to stop rambling. SO much clarity, so much confirmation, So much compassion and faith-I CREATE MY REALITY- FACT! its a fact for me so it can be a fact for you if you want it to be! WOW WOW WOW! Never felt this way. OUT OF THIS WORLD! PEACE ABUNDANCE LOVE xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 22:04:15 +0000

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