SO.... Its time for me to come out of my corner & explain - TopicsExpress


SO.... Its time for me to come out of my corner & explain whats been happening to me the last chunk of months: Many of you know of my divorce (12/13/2011) & the following mandate to sell my BarnHome :-/ which wasnt quite finished from our total remodel of a 100 year-old Barn. I have been working non-stop for 3 years to re-direct & stabilize my Life & I finally now have a contract on the house & will be closing on 1/9/15!!! ~~Bittersweet albeit~~ What I did NOT see coming was the loss of my position at Dakota Ridge Family Medicine... When Dr. Carpenter retired 12/1/13, the remaining Drs had to sell the practice to Boulder Community Hospital & is now one of their Ambulatory Clinics. I must say that I DID try my hardest to fit in the Corporate Scaffold of the business of medicine (they engulfed me & the uncountable patients with whom I already had deep bonds for >20yrs!), BUT, the excess demands to be productive for their set standards of full time began to alter my health & I had to take a medical leave. During that (unpaid) time off, I had to focus on my health, selling the house (while doing all the upkeep of a large property & home), paying all the bills (with no income!)...needless to say, a VERY stressful time in my Life! The balancing beauty of this last year was the marriages of both my SuperCool kids!!! Ive gained a wonderful daughter-in-law Alana Krall, a new 15 year-old grandson, Orion Orion Edward Krall, a fabulous son-in-law Ben Gordon, & now a BRAND NEW granddaughter, due to arrive in mid-Feb (in Malmö, Sweden!!) I was released from medical leavein Sept. to work part time, yet was told my position at Dakota Ridge was full time & was not allowed to work part time. I did apply for a part time position at the pain clinic but have not heard back from them & in the mean time, BCH has to let me go... I have since decided to create my own consulting business (medical, personal,psychological, spiritual needs) & be findable & available for all my patients & their families & friends for when they need more in depth conversation about symptoms, abnormal labs, new & progressing diseases, illnesses, decision dilemmas ... basically what Ive been doing for 30 years ;-) Yet now will need to support myself with my experience & wisdom. I hope to have a website, separate business phone # & email all up & running by early December! I furthermore would like to extend an OPEN INVITATION to all who desire to come to the house on Thanksgiving weekend (Fri/Sat/Sun>>1pm-7pm). OPEN HOUSE, come & go as you desire, re-connect, exchange emails/contact info, see & say farewell to this very cool home. Bring excess left-overs or simple snacks, drinks etc. 5610 N 71st St Longmont (really Gunbarrel) 80503 I MISS EVERYONE DEARLY & am not decided about staying in Boulder yet... OK to send a private message or respond here & its OK to spread the news to ANYone you feel may want to come (Ive heard many are worried about my disappearance). I do not have access to personal info from work & am aching to contact so many of you.... LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, ♡CJ♡
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 03:41:30 +0000

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