SO MANY SAME STORY . GOVERNOR HALEY DONT CARE. Leslie LentAugust 19, 2013 at 4:34 amJust a few comments I have discovered. No one knows what goes on with DSS, except those abused by it. Everyone outside of the abuse, who have not been touched by their Gestapo tactics, automatically think that “there must be a reason.” They cannot bear to think that our government is so corrupt to do anything it jolly well pleases without rationale.Here is the game, and there may be more, but what I know for sure is that it is about quotas, they have to indicate so many. They will take suburb excellent parents, if they make an income that cannot fight back, and will purely make stuff up out of thin air to indicate these parents to meet the quota. The uppers tell the lowers they must meet the criteria to keep their jobs. Secondly, anyone who has been with DSS a long time, has no conscience. A person would have to become more and more jaded to work there. Those with any conscience left will leave, and they will never comment about DSS thereafter.Secondly, DSS does not investigate, they go down a list of accusations they can pin on a person. They need the number, not the results.Thirdly, they block every effort for one to defend themselves, by accusing a parent of something else, and then something else, and something else…..none of which is close to reality.Fourthly, if someone reports that you are excellent parents, and speak highly of you, they will not include it in their report.Fifthly, if you ask for the DSS records in writing, multiple times, they will never give them to you, even though their policy book says they will.Sixthly, if a family’s favorite doctor gets word that there is DSS involvement, even if he/she has told the parents they are good parents, that doctor will start writing in the report all the things he/she “has recommended,” and the parent didn’t do, to cover their butt, and throw the parent under the bus. They fear DSS too.Seventhly, for whatever reason, the governor, congressman, state agencies, and police, will not come to the parents’ rescue. Everyone, everyone is afraid. Why? I have not figured that out yet. Maybe it has something to do with being a “required reporter.” They align themselves?Eighthly,they will draw out undocumented unprovable accusations for as long as they can, because there is money to be made for the state, if they can draw it out, and destroy the parents lives and finances.Ninthly, Special Needs kids, whose parents do more hand on hand parenting than anyone else, DSS seeks out. Special needs kids bring maybe 3x as much money as normal kids. These parents, who do all the child’s hygiene, and far more fighting for their child under normal circumstances, are subject to cruel mental torture. To top if off, these parents receive questions like, “Why do you give your child meat and vegetables; what is wrong with cupcakes?”Tenth, CASA, the so-called ad litem agency, is worse than DSS. Anyone who has worked for them, more than a year is a criminal. They are the lap dogs of DSS. They will lie, with no holes barred. It is astounding what they have found themselves empowered to get away with.Eleventh, and very unfortunately, much of the illogicality of it all, is based in racism. When the entire staff of DSS is black, and an extremely high percentage of people being founded are white, it becomes quite obvious. And when babies who are dying because things are overlooked are in their race’s care, you have to wonder. When a white parent brings clothes for their child in foster care, but DSS refuses to give them to the black foster parent keeping the white child, and instead cuts a check for clothing allowance, you have to wonder.Twelfth: DSS workers are above the law. The law says they have to have a court order or a police order to take a child into custody, but they thumb the law, and take kids against the law, on sheer desire to feed their insatiable appetite for more children. They care not about the protection of a child. They care not about the heartbreak. They care not about the need for a search warrant. They are the judge, jury, and prosecutor, while they are all criminals themselves.The old saying, the patients are running the mental hospital, is an understatement. DSS has no respect for good families; they have no respect for law; they have no respect for the Constitution. They are criminals of the highest order allowed to condemn and destroy good people’s lives.Sadly, the only thing the state of SC wants to concentrate on is the deaths of children. This is most necessary, but not to the neglect of the real issue of those workers abuse of families, by acting at whim. They have been given all the power known to man, without any consequences. There is no innocent until proven guilty, which our laws are supposed to guarantee. The state investigators need to see the whole criminal picture, and place these monsters and mobsters in prison.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 11:16:52 +0000

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