SO MUCH THAT IS SAID, NEVER TRULY HEARD ALL WE KNOW, NEVER TRULY UNDERSTOOD SO MUCH OF REALITY, A DREAM (14/03/2014) Have you ever cared to think of everything in our lives as a whole. Of everything we call reality and base our assumptions of the world around. Life in its self is a stereotype. We have created stereotypes for everything even if we dont realise it. We have given everything supposed order, categories, names, associations, stories. All of this for things that nobody understand, things we dont even really know about. Our friends, our families, our everyday activities. Everything. And we dont even realise we are doing it. Everything we know is never truly understood. No matter how much research, study etc. all we ever get is information that has been created by someone else and has been associated with things we hope to find answers for. We will never get answers. So much of what is said is never truly heard because we have all these associations categorised in our thoughts, our memories. We as people never accept what we are really hearing, seeing, watching, because we have already given it order and meaning in our minds. We already have assumptions and stereotypes for everything that could possibly be in reality. But then, what is reality? We say that reality is what is around us, everything that has being or is real. But how is this so when we have given these things everything they are, all these meanings and explanations. We created it all. All that is supposedly our reality has been recreated by us so does that then make our reality our fantasy? Because is a fantasy not just a creation of thought and mind? A dream so to say. What is our reality? Nothing is without added creativity, explanation or story. Even names, we have given everything a name of our own creation, all of which mean something different to every single person. We have brought our dreams to life in every way shape and form. does that not make our reality a question on its own? A question that will only ever be answered with our already created, named, explained and sorted information. So much of reality, a dream.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 08:29:32 +0000

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