SO POWERFUL, SO INSPIRING Please Join Us Sept 27th CLICK LINK - TopicsExpress


SO POWERFUL, SO INSPIRING Please Join Us Sept 27th CLICK LINK BELOW: #LaneSponsorships #Tickets #Donations active/decatur-ga/memberships/8th-annual-sickle-cell-celebrity-bowl-a-thon-fundraiser-2014 #SickleCellSurvivor @iamsheenamaria This is what sickle cell anemia looks like. I see so many pictures and read so many posts that depict the pain, frustration, and negative perception of sickle cell that its heartbreaking. It doesnt have to be that way. Sickle cell is a genetic blood disorder that affects the red blood cells. The hemoglobin in the body is oxygen deficient thus causing the red blood cells to assume an abnormal sickled shape. As these cells travel through the veins, they clump together causing pain in the upper and lower extremities, the chest, and ultimately, decreased oxygen to the organs. I had my first pain crisis when I was 9 years old and was hospitalized for two weeks. I experienced a crisis almost every year thereafter. In 2009, I decided to change my own life by changing the way I thought. I decided not to think about pain, fear, and being sick. I changed my diet and began eating raw veggies. I began to drink 3-4 liters of water PER DAY. I reduced my sugar intake drastically. Most importantly for me, I decided NOT to take any more pain medication. No more MORPHINE. No more HYROCODONE. No more OXYCONTIN. Nothing. Today, I decree and declare that I AM HEALTHY. I AM WELL. I think positive thoughts about sickle cell anemia because it is part of me. You are what you think. I CHOOSE to think healthy and that is what I will be. I define sickle cell anemia. It does not define me. I am painting it and my life absolutely beautiful. #PTDB #BoldLipsForSickleCell #MAC #RubyWoo #MACGirl #MUA #Writer #Actress #Dreamer #Achiever #SickleCell #Anemia #SS #Red #Blood #BeautifullySickled #Life #Wellness #BeHealthy #Inspire #Educate #Encourage #Empower #Advocate #LawOfAttraction #YouAreWhatYouThink via @PhotoRepost_app
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 10:37:00 +0000

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