SO SICKENING AS Health Service workers take a few hours of - TopicsExpress


SO SICKENING AS Health Service workers take a few hours of strike action, and at the same time make sure that patients will not suffer, the Tory moral blackmail machine gets into full swing. Health Minister, Jeremy Hunt on BBC this morning said it was patients he was concerned about. At Striking Back we would love to ask when this sudden attack of concern and care for patients came on. This man has spent all his time in government slyly attacking every principle the NHS has stood for since its inception. He would love all patients to have to pay through the nose for treatment to make massive profits for rich Tory friends. Our amazing health service workers have effectively taken wage cut after wage cut in real terms while the richest in our society have been made ever richer under this government. Striking Back is waiting for Ed Miliband and his party to throw unequivocal support behind the health workers or will he bottle giving full support for their just cause? Striking Back will NOT be supporting any party that does not clearly support the NHS and our health service workers. This we make abundantly clear. Nick Clegg, who has been so damning of his coalition partners recently with a general election looming, could get some guts at last and stop the Tories attacking our health workers but since he is really an out-and-out Tory toe rag himself dont hold your breath. We would love to hear from Nigel Farage on this issue but so far the media has sanitised him by not even asking him what he thinks on this vital question. Unfortunately we do not have access to any of these party leaders but we have asked Socialist Labour Party President, Andrew Jordan, to comment in the interest of the missing balance in our media. Mr. Jordan said, We totally support the health service workers and midwives who are stretched every single day as they try to look after patients against a background of vicious Tory cuts in the NHS. An increase in wages of at least 11% to match the increase Jeremy Hunt will gleefully received would be our starting point. We abhor the attempts at moral blackmail from a man like Jeremy Hunt who hasnt one decent moral bone anywhere in his body Striking Back urges everyone to get behind our wonderful health service workers. TOGETHER WE SHOULD ALL BE STRIKING BACK ON THIS VITAL ISSUE BY SHARING THIS ARTICLE.
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 10:22:02 +0000

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