SO THANKFUL TO GOD TODAY FOR “PROVERBS” … MY “GO TO” BOOK! “Hear, O my son, and receive my sayings; and the years of your life shall be many. I have taught you in the way of wisdom; I have led you in right paths. When you go, your steps shall not be straitened; and when you run, you shall not stumble. Take fast hold of instruction; let her not go: keep her; for she is your life. Enter not into the path of the wicked, and go not in the way of evil men. Avoid it, pass not by it, turn from it, and pass away.” (Pro.4:10-15) Do you know what it’s like to have the Word of God “permeate” your being? If I have a “go to” book in the Bible (and I do) it would have to be Proverbs. There is SO much promised to us through these “dark sayings” – meaning they are deep, mysterious, richer than you can ever imagine, meant to be “dissected” and investigated. That takes TIME & SOLITUDE – away from the everyday affairs of life – which honestly most of us are not willing to do. There is debate over whether this particular passage was Solomon speaking his words now, or whether he is still quoting his father David, which he refers to teaching him earlier in this chapter. I tend to believe this is still David speaking here … otherwise, I’m not sure Solomon could claim the same things to be true of his personal life. I refer specifically to the phrase “I have TAUGHT YOU … I have LED YOU IN RIGHT PATHS.” That one phrase alone is SO convicting to me as a Dad. What things did I TEACH my kids … but DID NOT LEAD them in? Oh, that pierces my heart!!! At times, now that they are grown and “on their own” & I see them struggle through certain events in life (as we ALL must do) I wonder how many times did I TELL, but not LEAD BY EXAMPLE?! David was SO much better as a Godly example to follow, then was his son SOLOMON! And then, just to touch another phrase in this passage on “instruction” … KEEP HER, FOR SHE IS YOUR LIFE! Oh dear friends, we MUST GAIN and MAINTAIN “a teachable spirit” throughout our lives. Whenever we develop a “know it all” attitude, we are headed down a pathway to destruction! We MUST constantly be a student of the character & ways of God! That means God doesn’t waste anything! Stop, Look & Listen! I know we’ve all heard that about crossing a road & so forth … but I am saying do that with everyday LIFE! I need to live in “the fear of God.” Which means “a continual awareness of the Person, power and presence of God in EVERY SITUATION OF LIFE!” Don’t ever leave the classroom of God! Look for HIM today … in conversations, in activities of the day, in His Word, in your Prayer Life, in your expenditures. Whenever we lose a teachable spirit, we begin to “die” spiritually in our intimacy with Jesus. Finally I cannot stop without mentioning the STRONG caution against going down the “pathway of evil men.” We are warned DO NOT ENTER it, don’t even GO in that direction, we are to AVOID IT, DON’T EVEN GO BY IT, turn FROM IT, and GO IN A DIFFERENT DIRECTION. It is quite clear my friend … the trap has been set … you involve yourself in what “they” (lost people, wicked & evil men – [God said it, I am just quoting]) are doing and you will be the loser! You will get ensnared & destroy your testimony! What do you want them to say about you? “He’s ‘cool,’ he hangs out at the bar and drinks a beer with us. He doesn’t ‘condemn’ us! He’s hip … sure he’s a bit religious, but not much different than us … he is “up on” the latest music, he can tell you all about the Hollywood scene, he’s got this really neat tattoo … why he even bought the last round for everybody!” Face it friend … “the salt has lost its savor and is only good to be thrown out and trodden under foot of men” and that’s exactly what evil men are doing with your “testimony!” Wake up … before it’s too late! I thank You today Lord, for the wonderful wisdom & understanding found in the book of Proverbs! Blessings, Tim
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 14:31:56 +0000

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