SO THEY CAME TO JERUSALEM. THEN JESUS WENT INTO THE TEMPLE AND BEGAN TO DRIVE OUT THOSE WHO BOUGHT AND SOLD IN THE TEMPLE, AND OVER- TURNED THE TABLES OF THE MONEY CHANGERS, AND THE SEATS OF THOSE WHO SOLD DOVES. ( MARK 11:15 *NKJV ) Dear Joyce, Did you ever wonder why there were money changers, and other merchants in the Temple? Well, the Passover was almost at hand, and Jews came from all over the World to take part in the Passover Festival each year, and to pay their Temple taxes. Those from foreign Countries had to have their money changed into Temple currency, because it was the only money accepted to pay for the purchase of sacrificial animals, and pay for their taxes as well. Often the inflated exchange rate enriched the money changers, and the exorbitant prices of animals made the merchants wealthy. Further, their stalls were set up in the Temples Court of the Gentiles, frustrating the intentions of the Non-Jews who had come to worship God as well. ( see ISAIAH 56:6-7 ) Thus Jesus became angry because Gods House of Worship had become a place of extortion, and a barrier to Non-Jews who wanted to worship there as well. For; THEN JESUS TAUGHT, SAYING TO THEM, IS IT NOT WRITTEN, MY HOUSE SHALL BE CALLED A HOUSE OF PRAYER FOR ALL NATIONS? BUT YOU HAVE MADE IT A DEN OF THIEVES. AND THE SCRIBES AND CHIEF PRIESTS HEARD IT AND SOUGHT HOW THE MIGHT DESTROY HIM; FOR THEY FEARED HIM, BECAUSE ALL THE PEOPLE WERE ASTONISHED AT HIS TEACHING. ( MARK 11:17-18 ) Finally Joyce, if you are wondering why we dont follow the sacrificial laws anymore, please know that Christ became our Sacrificial Lamb to pay for our sins once and for all! FOR INDEED CHRIST, OUR PASSOVER, WAS SACRIFICED FOR US. THEREFORE LET US KEEP THE FEAST. The feast of the Passover or Easter Day that is indeed. Amen. ( 1 CORINTHIANS 5:7 ) With My Love & Prayers, your servant Allen [ Prayer Requests---Contact Us---Bible Study---*Donations* ] [ Audio---Subscribe---Change of Address---Unsubscribe ] at: Apostle Paul Ministries, P O Box 55996, Hayward, CA 94545 (c) Copyright 2014 by Apostle Paul Ministries
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 20:00:27 +0000

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