SO TOUCHINGThere was a farmer who had ahorse and a goat. One day, - TopicsExpress


SO TOUCHINGThere was a farmer who had ahorse and a goat. One day, thehorse became ill. So he called theveterinarian, who said, Well,your horse has a virus. He must takethis medicine for threedays. Ill come back on the third dayand if hes not better, weregoing to have to kill her.Nearby, the goat listened closely totheir conversation. The nextday, they gave the horse themedicine and left. The goatapproached the horse and said, “Bestrong, my friend. Get upor else theyre going to kill you!”On the second day, they again gavethe horse the medicine andleft. The goat came back and said,Come on buddy, get up orelse youre going to die! Come on,Ill help you get up. Lets go!One, two, three...On the third day, they came to givethe horse the medicine andthe vet said, Unfortunately,weregoing to have to kill hertomorrow. Otherwise, the virusmight spread and infect theother horses.After they left, the goat approachedthe horse and said, Listenpal, its now or never! Get up, comeon! Have courage! Comeon... Get up... Get up... Thats it,slowly... Great! Come on, one,two, three... Good, good. Nowfaster, come on... Fantastic! Run,run more! Yes! Yes! Yes! You did it,youre a champion!All of a sudden, the owner cameback, saw the horse running inthe field and began shouting, Its amiracle! My horse is cured.We must have a grand party.He called his servant, Tunde, killand prepare the goat!Now i prophecy to you, any help you render will not turn against you in Jesus nameShare & type amen if you believe
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 06:06:27 +0000

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