SO WHAT IS ON THE BALLOT? Depends. If youre a Republican, - TopicsExpress


SO WHAT IS ON THE BALLOT? Depends. If youre a Republican, being a Democratic candidate means that Obama is actually running, not you -- no matter what you say, think or profess. And to a major extent, thats very true. But so is a quantity substituted for its equal, and if youre a Republican on the ballot, the Reagans Trickle Down is still having a good pee on you and re-aiming its stream at your future, beginning 2014, Bushs Unaccomplished Mission has got its eyes on your pocket book and savings account and a hundred races across the country mean devastation to Americans border and coast to coast: ON THE BALLOT: + In Kentucky, 400,000 - 500,000 citizens who Mitch McConnell promises to tear apart from health coverage it took us 70 years to achieve (thank you President Obama); + In Texas and 20 other states, tens of millions of voters stand to lose their voting rights long enough that once they regain them, it wont matter. The only people in control will be Republicans and theyll assess much more than just a poll tax. + In Wisconsin citizens are assured unions will be dismantled and outlawed forever. They can work for what their Mazus are willing to pay them or suck on a toad, the GOP and its Gang of Phonies could care less. + In Florida Hispanics can hang it up for good -- unless theyre on the OK List, like Rubio, whose charter it has become to explain why hes in a position to tell other Hispanics why hes welcome and theyre not. + In North Carolina Blacks, Browns and other Non-Whites are guaranteed the minimum wage will not only remain the same under a Republican dominated administration but will be locked in under Constitutional Amendment if they can pull it off. + In at least half the states, ACA will also be trashed, and 30,000,000 Americans who just saw health care become the law of the land will revert to seeing the merest flicker of light at the end of the tunnel -- if they can live long enough without health insurance. + The countrys infrastructure will continue to fall to pieces, and while countries like China have invested $24 billion in projects like high-speed rail (the U.S. doesnt have one mile of it yet), Americans will have to be satisfied with the scant $8 billion the all-NO-ing Congress has slopped on our plates. + It continues. On the Republican ballot is the disenfranchisement of the poor and the needy, the gutting of womens rights, especially their right to decide what to do with their bodies and a $20 billion fence between ourselves and Mexico, our #1 trade partner no less. Countries have lost whole empires over fences and walls -- ask Russia. + Rounding out the Republican ballot are hate, lies, anger, the non-scientific handling of our energy supply, our rapidly warming globe and the reckless attitudes they have ascribed to anything mathematical, logical, or scientific that they dont understand, dont care to understand or understand but could give a damn about. By all means, lets DO talk about whats on the ballot. If youre a Democrat, whats on the ballot should scare the bejesus out of you. VOTE. For Gods sake, VOTE.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 22:26:48 +0000

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