SO WHAT IS YOUR TIPPING POINT AMERICA??? Throughout the history - TopicsExpress


SO WHAT IS YOUR TIPPING POINT AMERICA??? Throughout the history of the United States, great men have made great decisions that had great consequences. Their causes would never had materialized without others, with lesser name or status, catching the vision and moving with the leaders. So the question I am asking Americans today is: What is your tipping point? Is it American lives dying for a false cause of Islamic democracy? Is it that our brave warriors are dying for those who appreciate it so little that they wont give us badly needed oil to lessen our pain on behalf of their freedom? Is it, or will it be, utility bills, fuel bills, food bills that can no longer be paid, or even the lack of food in our bellies? What is the tipping point where Americans will take back America? Christian Americans are quick to excuse themselves with a quote from Romans 13:1, which says, Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. They say that we must go along with our rulers because the Bible says so. But they dont understand that in America, we choose our rulers. They are a reflection of us. And if they are leading us down the path of destruction, we the people, must stop them and change the course. So again, what is the tipping point America? Will you wait until you belly is so empty and you are too weak, or will righteousness soon boil through the fleshly comfort of your self preservation? Daily Jot.
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 23:01:23 +0000

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