SO YOU THINK IM THAT SHALLOW ;) Someone told me recently that - TopicsExpress


SO YOU THINK IM THAT SHALLOW ;) Someone told me recently that grieving and mourning should be done privately and not specifically shared on social media. That hits and likes feed the ego... This makes for an interesting debate. First of all such an OPINION is incredibly subjective and I summoned every ounce of patience and love in my heart to ensure for a respectful and calm response. A response that My own Father would have given. For those of you who have lost a parent or someone very close, you will know that this process of grieving is unique to each individual - a painful journey for the heart and a tormenting maze for the mind. I am sure there are many of you who feel lost and unable to understand or express your emotions; feel inadequate to simply reach out for support cos no one really cares, or wants to hear the same thing again and again and again.... I feel blessed that I am able to express myself. That I have social media as a platform to share my journey because I truly believe that not only is this helping me heal, but it gives support, company and comfort to those out there going through the same journey. A form of therapy for us all if you like. Im sure there are many of you out there where these blog entries serve as a reminder to look on the brighter side of life, to try a little harder to smile today, make someone happy, mend a tainted relationship, call a friend who lives far away, take a sister out for lunch etc etc. So I thanked that someone for showing concern and sharing this opinion that grieving should not be done on social media. For making so clear to me that I should continue doing what I do, that people will always judge and not to be offended by that judgement since I know my intent is filled with love. Thank you to each and everyone of you who have helped ME on my journey with your likes - they have not fed my ego, they have healed me. Its the connection... whether I get a comment, a like or a private message or nothing, I am putting myself out to the universe and I all have had in return is love. Most of all, Thank you to this someone for their sound advice which has enabled me to practise once of the traits I admired most in my Father - patience and compassion #MISSINGDAD #INSPIRATION
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 02:43:14 +0000

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