SO here is a short story that was a collaborative effort for me - TopicsExpress


SO here is a short story that was a collaborative effort for me and my team in my creative writing class. Simply entitled "The Cafe" Bombs rained down upon London relentlessly, Barbara remained calm as she watched out the window, “Why panic? If it’s my turn to die, nothing could stop it anyway.” “You seem to be taking the bombing well,” Captain Joseph Branson smiled at her before taking a sip of his non-coffee. She glanced over her shoulder and saw he was wrinkling his, looking down into the cup. Smiling, Barbara said “I know the coffee is horrible, but this war has rationed everything, we have to serve something.” “Well I really don’t want to know what it is, but it certainly isn’t coffee, and I can hope that once this ridiculous war is done, we can get back to normal coffee.” She laughed lightly, “Captain, we may not be here when the war is over. So why should it matter what sort of coffee the Café has now?” “It should always matter, no matter the situation. Coffee is a life saver, people love it.” “I do like the smell of it, though I can promise you, there will never be a cup of coffee pressed to these lips, it has a horrible bitter taste,” She glanced back out the front window as a bomb hit a building just down the street and the glass rattled. “But in all seriousness, our fair city will be ashes before nightfall if this keeps up.” Captain Branson stood and walked to her, glancing out the pane from over her shoulder he smiled, “I doubt they will keep it up much longer, bombs are costly, and when they aren’t hitting key targets, it’s a waste of money, for both sides.” Startled that he was so close to her, she turned her head toward his voice. Their lips almost touched and she parted hers, “Captain, why ever are you so close?” “A beautiful woman such as yourself needs something other than coffee pressed to your lips and I might just find myself being the one showing you that. Interested? If she was taken aback by his offer, she didn’t show it. “Captain, you don’t even know my name.” “What’s a name when a kiss is all you need?” He leaned in and brushed her lips with his before she could pull away. “I ought to slap you,” she uttered just above a whisper, trying to muster up the strength to pull away, but failing as her body was magnetically drawn to him. “Why don’t you?” he responded as the breath of his words gently tickled her lips. “I’ve taken plenty of blows in my life. What’s one more hit, especially from a pretty girl like you.” “Careful Captain. I’m not your regular girl. I’ve got bite,” she growled as she barely nibbled at his bottom lip. “You’re a feisty one aren’t ya kid?” Instantly the nibbling stopped and her demeanor became rigid. The name kid stirred something uneasy inside of her that made her sick to her stomach. “What’s the matter doll?” he asked. “Nothing,” she snapped trying to put up a façade. “It’s just,” she hesitated, stalling for a witty defense. “Your breath, it smells of that nauseating coffee.” “That must be part of your bite huh kitten?” he asked squeezing her tighter, mistaking her coldness as playing hard to get. Barbra pulled back quickly, “Captain, this is neither the time nor the place,” she pulled her jacket in tighter as if a sudden breeze chilled her to the bone. A smile faintly touched the corners of his mouth. Assured it was he who gave her the chill, he settled in closer again, “So what is your name then?” He asked as the smile widened ever so slightly. “Barbara. Barbara Hampton,” she said coyly. “Not that it is any of your business, anyway.” Now she was beginning to get flustered. Why does he keep inching toward me, she thought, I only met him a few minutes ago. “I can see I make you nervous Barbara,” he said. “Why is that? Are you afraid of some impropriety being discovered by someone? You’re not married, so there is no need to worry.” Now Barbara was infuriated, “How dare you insinuate that there would be any chance of any impropriety between you and me, sir!” Barbara stood up and walked to the other side of the small, dank room. She refused to even look in his direction. Not only did she have to endure the wretched taste of the coffee, but now she was to endure a wretched man. “Are you scared Barbara?” Captain Branson stood up. He fixed his jacket and smoothed his pants as if he were in front of one of his officers. Having enough Barbara reached on desk and grabbed a gun, hidden under a menu, along with a cup of the wretched coffee. “How’s this for afraid” she said as she sipped the horrible coffee. Taken aback for a moment the Captain smiled and replied “What exactly do you plan on doing with that?” Barbara slowly sips the bad coffee as if searching for an answer, “Only time will tell and from the sounds of the bombs outside the hour glass is almost empty.” The Captain slowly steps forward, “With the hour glass being almost empty what’s the harm in us spending the last few hours enjoying each other’s company?” Flustered, perhaps expecting a different reaction from the Captain, Barbara pretends to play cool and takes another slow sip of coffee. “Being as though we just met I would have little remorse in pulling the trigger” Just then the Captain leaps forward grabs the gun and spins Barbara around, slowly whispering in Barbara’s ear, “Love or war, choose one.” Barbara steps back and forcefully grabs the Captain and returns the favor by putting him in a choke hold. “Sir, now you have a choice. Do I need to spell it out for you?” Captain Branson was taken back and embarrassed of his appalling behavior, “I would like to apologize Barbara. There was no excuse for my actions and I would understand if you continue to have an unwavering feeling about me.” With fire in her eyes, Barbara demanded the Captain set the gun back on the desk. “Sir, if I were your sister. How would you feel?” “Fair enough! I would hunt the man down and have him walk outside with a big target panted right on top of his grape,” he then took a seat and placed his head in his hands as if he was overcome with shame. “Well then, I guess you won’t be opening your mouth and let stupid fall out again, ”Barbara said with a cynical grin pointing to her right cheek. Captain Branson sat disparaging, scooted back in his chair sneering back at her remark, “So, you think I’m stupid?” “If you act that way. Are you stupid?” “I have done some stupid things in my life. Most of them tonight,” he regarded her coolly. “I am not a rapist. I misread you, I was wrong. Please accept my apology, I’ll pay for the coffee and leave.” Barbara looked at him. If he left he would probably not come back. In truth she had felt safe with him at first. This war was turning things all around. “Don’t go yet.” She said. He raised his eyebrows. “It isn’t safe out there yet. I wouldn’t want you to get hurt.” “A moment ago you were going to shoot me.” “A moment ago I thought you were going to attack me.” “Yes, I already apologized for that.” “I accept,” she said. “May I ask, is there a Mr. Hampton?” She turned to the window, “There was,” she replied. She paused and then turned back to him. “Is there a Mrs. Branson?” “Other than my mother and my Aunt Jane no,” he answered. She smiled. She looked out the window as the sirens stopped again. “It seems we survived. It is safe for you to go now.” As the captain walked toward the door, he tipped his hat to Barbara. “Ma’am, it was a pleasure meeting you. I hope we run into each other again.” Barbara wished he wouldn’t leave, but she didn’t have the nerve to ask him to stay, “Captain,” She began. “Yes Barbara?” He turned toward her at the door. “Um…” She stammered, trying to find an excuse to have him stay longer, “It was nice meeting you as well. Good day sir.” The captain grinned at Barbara as he could tell something else was on her mind, “Be safe Barbara.” “You as well, captain.” Captain Branson exited the café, he turned around once more to glance at Barbara, and she blushed as he winked at her. The moment he turned the corner, the sirens started up again, and the ground shook as Barbara ducked for cover.
Posted on: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 21:40:58 +0000

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