SO, if business doesnt create jobs, who does? The government is - TopicsExpress


SO, if business doesnt create jobs, who does? The government is one of the biggest employers in the country but with the exception of the military, the majority of jobs created by them are used to enforce regulations created to strangle the country and stifle growth. The corporate tax rate is one of the highest in the world, no wonder they want to relocate to another country. It isnt up to them or the 1% to pay all the taxes in the country. The !% already pay an average of 45% of the countries entire taxes for a year. She thinks the socialist way is how we fix the country. Well, take a look at Europe and Canada. The average tax rate across the board over their is well above 30%. I guess when the people working are paying for all their social programs you shouldnt expect anything else. Thats what she wants here. Higher taxes and more laws wont fix the country. People arent owed anything because they were born American or for something that happened in the past. Its the past. If you dont agree with her, do something to help about it, vote, protest and write your representatives. It wont change if you stay home on election day. If the candidate doesnt do what they claim, vote them out next time around. On that note, if the Republicans gain control of the house and senate, they better do it right because they wont be able to blame the president. We gave Hope and Change a chance and look where were at. Voting for her is going to be 8 more years of the same thing.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 10:13:28 +0000

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