SO its been a few days since T in The Park had its final song at - TopicsExpress


SO its been a few days since T in The Park had its final song at Balado; the end of an era to say the least. Within the buzz at this T, was the very obvious and natural support for the Yes campaign. The amount of Yes Saltire flags flying at EVERY act I went to see wasnt the surprise; the lack of No Thanks regalia was. Nothing. Zero. Zilch. Although not everyone I spoke to was a Yes voter, there were a few Nos/undecideds - even one or two in my company (but I wont name names)(JANICE!) But thats a side issue. The point I want to make is this. Being Yes right now is a culture. I can feel it. Personally, its one of the most liberating periods of my life. I can feel the change coming. It may be subtle to some, but I assure you its happening. Since the beginning of the year Ive been tuning in to the debate, attending meetings, canvassing and even helping to organise my own meetings. Its difficult to get young people involved who arent politically minded, I myself am very new to all this. Witnessing, at T in The Park, the undercurrent of support for a Yes vote and desire for a new Scotland is so uplifting. A collective consciousness, hoping for the future, expecting and wanting more than the current situation offers. For those of you voting no. Be prepared. You will not get the result that you want. There is no going back, the tide has turned and a new modern, egalitarian, social and democratic country is just within reach. Just when I had started to think that young people just werent that interested, I was blissfully proved wrong. Happy Days. Roll on TITP 2015, the first in an Independent Scotland Peace!
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 13:02:22 +0000

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