SO: my friends. Please lend me your eyes. There is 97.6%* - TopicsExpress


SO: my friends. Please lend me your eyes. There is 97.6%* likelihood of the Imaginactive Fitness Apocalypse Survival Training kickstarter campaign going live TODAY. I am sure most of you cannot help but have noticed me blathering on about it intermittently through the last year and quite a lot lately. It has been consuming, exhausting, stressful, educational, exciting, terrifying, inspirational and a load of fun. I have enjoyed the privilege of working with some amazing people and many of you, my FB friends, have become involved, shown support and given feedback along the way, and I am grateful. And I dont want it to end here. The next 30 days determine whether the dream falters, or whether my team and I go into production in November to make a real, actual, 37 episode audio fitness adventure app. The thing with Kickstarter is that you need to START your campaign strongly. The campaign starts with friends and family and if they get behind it, people outside those networks coming onto the page will be more interested when they see hundreds of other people already coming to the party. So... Im probably going to be a little wired the next few days. I dont want to spam your FB feed with please back my campaign. If youre going to, and I would love you to and be forever grateful if you do, please get onto the page as soon as you can. Remember that pledges are taken ONLY if the goal is met and at the CLOSE of the project, so the end of this month, not at the time you pledge. Thanks again for all the helping hands along the road to have got me to where I am now. *upload speeds and minimal crashing from my laptop allowing X
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 09:55:07 +0000

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