SO this is the video that Animal Planet doesnt want you to see and - TopicsExpress


SO this is the video that Animal Planet doesnt want you to see and denied exists....I saw this before this moron was to have his first season. It was removed from youtube because as you can see, he is no lover of turtles...except to eat them. If he was honest about not being an animal expert/rescuer than it be somewhat truthful....but as someone who is devoted to these animals seeing them handled in this way is appalling. Anyone who watched this ass should be ashamed for being party to this type of shit. I actually talked to an executive at Animal Planet before this show went on the air...he was so excited about this guy that he actually said to me his enthusiasm reminds me of Steve Irwin! all he got from me was a shocked silence. Tv is about ratings and thats it. Im proud of what we are trying to do on AnimalBytesTV. My show is about entertaining, educating and enlightening. I have heard that this guy is off the air, this is good, but we need to hold Animal Planets feet to the fire if they fund any other shows that mistreat animals in any way...and make no mistake, animals were being mistreated. unacceptable. *I eat animals, but to abuse them in such a way before taking their life is about as big a sin as I can think of. They give the ultimate sacrifice so some of us can live, I dont want to start a vegan/meat eater debate, just wanted to show what an ignorant moron this guy is, and how he has been force fed into your homes as an animal rescuer.....while real heros go unnoticed. turn off the tv.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 00:52:11 +0000

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