SOBIFAN BOOK REVIEW BK RV 1 (Part 2) Date: 10th Jan, 2015. - TopicsExpress


SOBIFAN BOOK REVIEW BK RV 1 (Part 2) Date: 10th Jan, 2015. There are many visions and dreams in the world form part of secondary doctrines today which lead to private interpretation and error. But the scripture is true leading to understanding of the truth about God’s plans for mankind. Carnal mind does not understand the things of God. Be spiritual… Continuing … TEN WAYS OF RECEIVING ASSURANCE YOU ARE IN HEAVEN ALREADY BY YOUR SPIRIT To boost your faith to know and have the assurance that you are already in heaven, you must have been a believer; a Christian, a born again Christian who believed that Jesus died for your sins; was buried and rose from death and that today he is alive. Do you believe this? If your answer is yes, now see the ten things that have happened in your life: your spirit is already in heaven beginning with 1. ENCOUNTER WITH SPIRIT OF JESUS Whosoever that believes the gospel truly has encounter with the spirit of Jesus. Mary Magdalene encountered Jesus after his resurrection. She wanted to embrace him, Jesus said to her “touch me not, for I am not yet ascended to my father but go to my brethren and say unto them I ascend unto my father and your father; and to my God and your God” (John 20:17). Later he appeared to the twelve disciples who suppose they have seen a spirit and were afraid: he said to then “peace be unto you … behold my hands and my feet that it is I myself, handle me and see, for a spirit hath not flesh and bones as you see me have” (Luke 24 : 36 – 39). And Paul met him on the road to Damascus, and suddenly a great light from heaven was upon him and a voice said to him; “Saul why persecutes thou me? And he said who are you lord? And the lord said? I am Jesus whom thou persecute”. (Acts 9:3-6) Experiences may differ but you must encounter Jesus spirit at your believing his gospel. To one it may be his appearing; to another, it may be conviction of sin and guilt leading to weeping and repentance. To another it may be a miracle of breakthrough that leads you to the sense of worthlessness as a sinner (Luke 5:6-8). Peter received a miracle of great multitude of fishes. “Fell down at Jesus knees saying, depart from me for I am a sinful man oh Lord”. You must encounter or experience the presence of the spirit of Jesus in your life unless your believing is in vain. 2. SPIRIT OF THE BELIEVER IS AUTOMATICALLY RECREATED At the point of remorse of sin and guilt in your encounter with Jesus is the point of God’s operation upon your dead spirit that has long been separated from God’s type of life by sin. At the end of your remorse a burden of sin and guilt is lifted from your inner man. Unknown to you is that your dead spirit is now recreated by God in “righteousness and true holiness as a new man” (Eph 4:24) It is not you that did it. It is God that did it without your consent; He did not ask for permission to do it. He did not do it because of your good morals and works. You did not even know he did it. You only came out of your remorseful experience to feel better, light and happy He recreated your old dead in sin spirit by his grace and mercy. And Saint Paul called this your new spirit a “new creature” (2 Cor 5:17) “A new man” (Eph 4:24). Did you experience this operation of God in your life at the day of your remorse for your sins? This must have happened to you; unless you believed in vain. 3. THE NEWLY RECREATED SPIRIT IS TRANSLATED TO THE RESURRECTION BODY OF JESUS CHRIST IN HEAVEN At that same day; at that same point of your remorse for your sins and guilt, at the operation of God’s recreating your old sinful spirit to a new, righteous, and holy spirit made free now from all sins, that is the point and moment he transferred or translated your new spirit man from your body here on earth to the body of Jesus Christ up in heaven; sited at the right hand of the throne of God. Apostle Paul said you were translated from darkness to the kingdom of Jesus (Col 1:13); Peter said you were called out of darkness into his marvelous light (Pet 2:9) Paul in his assurance double sure of the transference of your new spirit said to Ephesians believers. “Even when we were dead in sin hath quickened us together with Jesus, by grace you are saved. And hath raised us up together and made us sit together in heavenly place in Christ Jesus”. (Eph 2:5-6) That day God took your new spirit to heaven and placed your spirit in the resurrected body of Jesus. He told the Colossian Christians that your spirit in the body of … (To be continued in the next Sobifan Book, Rev revealing to you how you must be sure that your spirit is already in heaven as a believer in Jesus Christ).
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 15:35:32 +0000

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