SOCIAL BALLROOM AND LATIN AMERICAN DANCE CLASSES I have done a previous post about a month back regarding dance classes here in Greyton. Arrangements are finally completed and I am excited to say well be starting our dance society soon! This is just a reminder for those already aware of it and have shown interest, and for the new members of the group who are interested. DANCE CLASSES WILL BEGIN NEXT WEEK! PLEASE JOIN! The dances that will be taught are as follows: Samba, Cha cha cha, Rumba, Paso Doble, Jive, Waltz, Tango, Slow and Rhythm Foxtrot, Viennese Waltz, Quickstep, Mambo/Salsa, Argentine Tango, Boogie/Hustle, Charleston and, proudly South African, Sokkie! FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS DO I NEED A DANCE PARTNER? No you dont. This is a Social Dance venture and because of this you will get to dance with a number of different partners. This will help improve leading and following abilities in dancing. WHAT CLOTHES/SHOES SHOULD I WEAR TO DANCE? Be comfortable! Wear something that is cool and that you can easily move around in. With regard to shoes, wear shoes that are comfortable and will stay on you feet - pumps are good for the ladies, while most guys wear formal shoes or sneakers with not too much grip. WHAT IF I HAVE DANCED BEFORE? If you do have some dance experience, please come! As dancing progresses different classes will be given to people on different levels i.e. Beginners, Intermediate, Advanced, Pre-Bronze, Silver, Gold, Novice and Pre-championship. More information will be given regarding these levels at dance class. WHAT IF I MISS A CLASS? AM I GOING TO FALL BEHIND? Luckily not. I do understand that sometimes you cant make it to dance class. Dancing will be taught at a pace that does accommodate missing a few classes. Personal and private classes will be provided if there is a need for any but attending as many as you can is recommended to avoid extra costs. WILL WE BE ENTERING COMPETITIONS? The nature of this venture is to create a dancing society, so generally we are more about having fun (and getting fit) and teaching dance rather than winning medals. However, friendly competitions will be considered with other dance studios/Societies if any interest is sparked, and, most importantly, MEDAL TESTS. Medal tests are dancing tests where professional and qualified adjudicators from a Dancing Governing Body will observe and regard your dancing abilities and assign a mark to your level of dancing. This normally happens twice a year. A single day is set aside and whoever enters will get tested on that day on what they have been taught. Youll receive a certificate at the end of your tests with your mark and your level of competency, just to give you an idea of how high up the dancing ranks youve gone. It will also serve as motivation and something to work towards. CLASS TIMES Tuesdays and Thursdays Classes will start at 6pm on each of these days and a lesson will last for about an hour. The same lesson will be repeated at 7pm and 8pm for those who work late and to make it more flexible for those who cannot make one or the other. FEES Ballroom and Latin American Dancing is an expensive hobby to pursue and professional dancing classes can range into the thousands. The purpose behind this venture is to make it affordable for our community and not so ridiculously expensive. Fees are R200 per person per month and is payable on the first Tuesday of every month at dance class. THE VENUE IS TO BE CONFIRMED STILL. PLEASE KEEP AN EYE ON GREYTON UNPLUGGED FOR THE ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE VENUE. Should you need any other information or have any queries that have not been addressed yet please leave a comment below. Also, to SIGN UP, leave a comment stating you would like to join so I can have an idea of how many dancers to expect. Thanks everyone! See you on the Dance Floor!
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 12:48:33 +0000

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