SOCIAL NETWORK: THE GOOD AND THE UGLY Romanus N. Egbulefu A - TopicsExpress


SOCIAL NETWORK: THE GOOD AND THE UGLY Romanus N. Egbulefu A good number of people have reunited with their missing friends through various social network media. Couple found their suitors through this means; companies display their products as they create awareness and sensitize end users about the existence of their goods and services which attracts patronage. A good number of churches win souls through this means. A considerable number of positive things have been achieved through different social media. Notwithstanding, social network like usage of Facebook, email, browsing, chatting etc can consume time and distract users from carrying out their legitimate activities either in their place of business or at home as there are numerous things to enjoy while on the net. It is a practice that robs you of your time and you may not be able to carry out some domestic chores assigned to you until your parents’ or guardian returns home. Time is an invisible commodity that you may not afford to waste. The more contacts you make, the more time you will spend on social network and additionally result into wastage of man-hours. In order not to be carried away or spend valuable time on social network, marshal out time to enable you know the period you could spend on it daily or weekly as the case may be; otherwise you may end up achieving a goalless dreams. The abuse of these social means of communication due to its’ fraudulent manipulation as some of the members of the network users impersonate innocent people with ill intention to cheat in one way or the other cannot be over looked. For the safety and privacy of your Facebook or email account, please do not enter your password unless you are on the real internet website. Besides download software from a site you genuinely know, visit a Facebook security page on the internet to read more about the Wikipedia articles on malware and phishing to serve as precautionary measures. It is observed that a good percentage of the Facebook users cheat as they are accused of impersonation and forgery as they import other users pictures, fake their names with hope to swindle innocent people. The Facebook to a great extent injure ones cause, harm to users as in the case of late Miss Cynthia. Please be cautious of the information and inputs you make during chat on Facebook or any other of social communication with someone that is not too familiar with you that you incidentally meet online. Look at your prospective friends profile; check his or her already existing friends before you jump into conclusion to accept him or her as one of your friends. Do not rashly disclose your contacts and full background to someone on line unless you are totally convinced about the person you are dealing with. Do not pay much attention to scam with intention to tame the person’s negative ideas. Do not let incidental chat with someone whom you may not know very well because such conversation could ruin your life as it is very insecure to disclose information that can damage your reputation or family. Remember it is a corrective mistake when there is need to block or delete unwanted friend(s) name or email address from your list when you are no longer interested and comfortable to maintain the relationship. Generally be careful with the information you furnish on line or on your profile. Bear in mind that people who knows you like your former school teachers, school mates or church members could come across such bogus claims. Do not provide information with intention to increase your ego like claiming to be part of an institution or events which you had never attended neither witnessed. It is necessary for you to disclose your true marital status. About the Facebook, I must say kudos to Mark Zucherberg; a former Harvard University Student who was nineteen years old when he founded the social network which was launched in February 2004. However the founder received a financial assistance from one Mr. Eduardo Saverin months after the network was founded. The core idea for establishing the social media spread across the dormitory rooms of Harvard University. Soon after the establishment of the Facebook in Harvard its services were extended to Stanford and Yale. Mark was later joined by two of his school mates called Chris Hughes and Dustin Moskovitz who helped him developed the site to a progressive level. Due to their desire to excel on the building of the social network phenomenon, Moskovitz and Zuckerberg dropped out from the tertiary institution and pursued their dreams. The controversy effecting creation of this social network began a week after it was launched. The founder was accused of “robbing idea” by three of Harvard University senior students. The allegation soon resulted to a lawsuit, as a competing company founded by the Harvard authorities sued Mark for stealing their idea. Above all, worthy of note, the ugly aspect of the social media has been noted to have a domineering effect on the users than the good cause. Recently in the Sun Newspaper page 13 of Wednesday, November 14, 2012, the Lagos State Governor; Mr. Babatunde Fashola raised an alarm over cloning of his wife’s personality: Dame Emmanuela Abimbola Fashola on Facebook and other social networks, saying that his wife does not operate any Facebook accounts, while describing impersonations as a criminal offense punishable by law, he added that members of the public should be aware to avoid falling victim of fraudsters impersonation on Facebook or any other social media.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 09:49:10 +0000

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