SOCIAL ORGANIZATIONS SHOULD REINFORCE GOVERNMENT EFFORTS TOWARDS DEVELOPMENT OF STATE: GOVERNOR Governor of Goa has said that there is need for intensive and devoted efforts on the part of social organization which are capable of contributing effectively to the social, cultural and economic development of the State to reinforce Government efforts. The Governor was speaking at the inaugural function of the first Luis-de-Menezes Braganza Lecture Series 2013, on November 22, 2013 at Menezes Braganza Hall Panajim. Shri Dayanand Mandrekar, Minister for Art and Culture, Padmashri Dr. (Mrs.) Maria Aurora Couto, Ms. Sushila Mendes and Shri Sanjay Harmalkar, Chairman, Institute Menezes Braganza were present. Speaking further Governor said, that it is, befitting with the tradition and cultural legacy of our great country that IMB has instituted the Lecture Series, to mark the completion of fifty years, in honour of a noted and revered freedom fighter. This, he said will remind us and make us remember and recall with gratitude the struggle and sacrifice made by that visionary for the noble cause of Goa’s freedom. He said by Organizing this lecture series, Institute Menezes Braganza will provide an opportunity to recall to our memory the glorious struggle for freedom and its glowing victory and the pivotal role played by our freedom fighters, including Luis-de-Menezes Braganza. The Governor said that it was an appropriate occasion for all of us to remember and recall the magnificent acts of heroism and valour with which our freedom fighters fought for Goa’s liberation from the oppressive colonial rule. Their united action and concerted efforts aimed at supplanting the alien rule and sowing the seeds of freedom had galvanized the freedom movement which finally culminated in the attainment of freedom for the territory. It would be appropriate to recall the famous words “When you go home, tell them of us and say for your tomorrow, we gave our today”. He said, Freedom is always won by bravado and self –sacrificing conduct of the nationalists and it is the paramount duty of the present and future generation to not only remember their selfless services, but also imbibe their spiritual strength, moral courage and mental discipline, and thereby preserve and protect the hard earned freedom for the benefit of all. We owe to those spirited and valiant freedom fighters much of what we are enjoying today by way of social freedom and economic prosperity. It would be a fitting tribute to all those martyrs and freedom fighters if we use every occasion to exert ourselves to protect, preserve and enrich the freedom they gave us, and work for the accelerated progress and prosperity of the State in all dimensions. Goa he said was under the Portuguese colonial rule for about 450 years, till it was liberated on 19th December, 1961, thanks to the supreme sacrifice made by our brave freedom fighters and the action by the Indian Army. Today, Goa is one of the fast-developing and dynamic State in the Country. The Governor said that there is need to create conditions conducive to further progress voluntary organizations in conjunction with Governmental efforts can raise the level of progress further, particularly by drawing inspiration from the way our freedom fighters struggled for the cause of freedom.
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 06:19:11 +0000

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