SOCKS, UNDERWEAR & BRAS, Oh My!: 3 TIPS ON HOW TO ORGANIZE YOUR INNER FASHIONS... For those with a good budget, lots of time & love to be ultra organized, watch the attached video. TIPS FOR ALL: 1 - Less is better: reduce to the basics & favorites. No need for 60 pairs of socks if you do laundry every week. Keep it to 14 pairs dressy/work socks & 14 pairs casual/sport socks MAX. 2 - Keep it fresh: If your bras are older than 1 year, toss them! The elastic will be overstretched. 3 - Store seasonal socks with seasonal clothes: I keep my tennis style socks with the shorts & summer tees in a large plastic container. Youll appreciate the extra room in your sock drawer during the colder season. TIPS FOR ADHDers: A - Do NOT use this folding system unless you have a maid or butler at home! It looks great for about 1 week, after that, it WILL become a mess as it is too complicated to maintain. Functionality - not aesthetics - is what is important. If you can afford it, the shelving system shown itself is also great for ADHDers. B - Standardize your socks: my son has white socks & black socks all the same model & manufacturer, thats it! I have one type of sports socks & some black, white & grey dressy socks. No patterns to fuss about trying to match them when laundry is being folded. Bonus: if one sock gets worn out, save the other to match when another bites the dust. C - If keeping up with the laundry is difficult, do not bother folding & matching up socks. You read correctly! If you standardized your socks, have one drawer for dressy, one for casual & just toss them in when they are clean. FOR MORE ADHD-FRIENDLY ORGANIZING TIPS from a Professional Organizer (who also has ADHD), visit my Facebook page Metamorphoses Organisation
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 05:17:33 +0000

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