SOLUS CHRISTUS DAY 256 - In last night’s music practice we - TopicsExpress


SOLUS CHRISTUS DAY 256 - In last night’s music practice we played one of my all time favorite songs – “In Christ Alone”. “Solus Christus” is Latin and is translated as “Christ alone” or “through Christ alone”. It is one of the five basic tenants of the Protestant Reformation movement. Today’s reading spoke to this very concept of “solus Christus”. In John 15, we read of Jesus’ description of Himself as “the vine,” and the Body of Christ as “the branches” attached to “the vine”. Jesus was making the point that the branches would be nothing apart from the vine. Jesus could not have said it any plainer than He did in verse 5, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in Me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from Me you can do nothing.” In verse 11 Jesus reemphasizes the point – “I have told you this so that My joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.” “In Christ alone” completely and utterly dismantles all man’s religion. Solus Christus stands for the proposition that nothing – absolutely nothing – but Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour will reconcile us to our Heavenly Father. No incantations. No hocus pocus. No religious steps, qualifications nor conditions. To me, however, “solus Christus” means so much more. I fall in love with my Jesus more and more each day. I have come to appreciate that “Christ alone” personally means that Jesus is my everything. He is my beginning and end, and everything in between. Christ was my first breath as a babe in Christ, and my last breath on this earth will next find me in His arms in Heaven. He is my day and my night. Jesus is my all in all. He is the song in my heart and the praise on my lips. My knees fall to the ground to worship my Lord and Saviour while my arms reach for the heavens to praise Him. My eyes close to reverently pray to Christ while they long to see His face. My heart says I will dance before my Lord while my mind says that I will fall prostate before a Holy God. Christ alone completes my joy. Oh that you could understand the totality of my Jesus! Your heart is reading this and yearning for such a love . . for such passion. You too know that you need a Saviour . . a precious Lord. My dear, dear friend – solus Christus! Christ alone! That is everything you need in those two words. Reach out right now and claim Christ as your Lord and Saviour. Once you do, you’ll soon see – like me – that “solus Christus” means much, much more as you too fall in love with your Jesus more and more each day. C2013
Posted on: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 10:54:36 +0000

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