SOLUTION FOR SKIN PROBLEMS - Moringa Natural Skincare Products - - TopicsExpress


SOLUTION FOR SKIN PROBLEMS - Moringa Natural Skincare Products - for Acne, Eczema, Pimples, Stretch marks, Spots, Burns, etc. Chronic skin conditions such as stretch marks, spots, and sun burn are very common conditions which can be very uncomfortable and sometimes embarrassing. And the worst set of it is that you might used several products, only to get worse. The secret for perfect skincare is not through chemical oriented products, but through Gods created natural products. Your skin is natural and the best solution for your skins situation is by natural products. We here at FreshGreen have a variety of products which help relieve these conditions and in most cases make them COMPLETELY GO AWAY! Many of our customers have told us that they have tried just about everything, including prescription medications and nothing has worked until they tried our natural skin care products. All of the products listed below on this page have been known to give hundreds of our customers’ relief from acne, eczema, stretch mark, and spots. All our products are natural, no toning, no bleaching, darken, and no bad effect. We hope that you will give our products a will be glad you did!!! It is time for you to start loving your skin again...order today! All of our products have a large amount of moringa in each batch, as well as other rich moisturizing oils such as Coconut oil, Olive Oil, Carrot Oil, Citrus Oil, Palm Kernel Oil, and Vitamin E Oil. Our Soap have other exotic oils added to them to make them very special for you. In our soap and cream we have herbs, honey, Lemon Juice, Citrus powder, Egg White, Egg yoke, Rich milk, Ginger, Garlic and Alove vera - all for the sake of your beautiful skincare! HERE THEY ARE: FRESHGREEN MORINGA ORGANIC SOAP is an organic soap made of 12 rich natural Ingredients: Moringa leaf powder, coconut, carrot, and olive oils, shea butter, Citrus powder, aloe vera, lemon juice, palm kernel oil, Vitamin A, C and E. Lime juice, and Sulphur. The price: pack is N2000 (3 in a pack). FRESHGREEN MORINGA BODY CREAM is a natural product formulated by Ghana Phama. Institute; it is made of rich Moringa leaf, Ghana Shea Butter, Coconut Oil. and other minors. It cleanses from any infections from face or any part of the body. PRICE: 100ml = N500. 200ml =N1000. FRESHGREEN EXFOLIATING SCRUB is 100% pure natural product made of moringa, green tea, honey, Vitamin E and others natural ingredients, to cleanse face smooth and fresh, to remove dead cells, to clear spots and sun burns, and it is the first class natural treatment for stretch mark. The price is N3000 for 400ml. PISHON NATURAL SKINCARE OIL is made of Moringa and 5 rich, healing and moisturizing oils – coconut oil, olive oil, carrot oil, Vitamin E oil, citrus oil, and moringa oil. It is 100% natural enriched with Vitamin A, C, D and E. The price is N2500 for 260ml. For effective treatment of stretch mark, you will need at least 3 of these 4 natural products - The moringa soaps, cream, and scrub = N5500, but if you can afford to get the complete package, that is perfect - N8000. Massage these into the skin daily for best results. Also, keep in mind how your diet plays into stretch marks. Diet can either help or hinder every function in our lives. By maintaining a healthy diet rich in fresh and natural foods, your body can keep a healthy weight. Abstain from using toxic chemical cosmetics - the moringa soap here is good for daily bathing, and the cream for regular body cream. Eat enough vegetables and fruits. Avoid extreme weight fluctuations as they are bad for stretch marks and bad for your health. How to Order For Natural/Moringa Skincare Products: We deliver anywhere you are. You can send message to our FB inbox or call, send SMS : (+234) 08039249751, 08113906472 OR send message to order@freshgreenmoringa FreshGreen Moringa Products Limited Abuja: Opp. Skye Bank, Federal Housing Estate, Lugbe, Abuja. For further information about our products, or on how to get them to you, please check our website freshgreenmoringa
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 09:20:49 +0000

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