SOMALI CRISIS IS SO SHAMEFUL BUT SOMALIA WILL BE AGAIN THE PRIDE OF MUSLIMS Somali decades’ crisis is one of the most shames of Muslims around the world. Fortunately, this is the shame of some Muslims, not Islam. Islam is clean and will ever be clean. If you want to criticize Islam, go to the Holy Quran; not to Somalia, nor Nigeria, nor Iraq. If we want to condemn a religion from the deeds of its followers, then Vatican and USA are the worst shame of Christianity. What happens in Christian world is farther shame than the situation is Muslim world. Somali people have common characteristics which supposed to be their strength and boost rather than their weakness and setback. We, non-Somali Muslims, welcome any effort to end this civil war in a country which used to be the pride of Islam in Africa. Somalia is dearer to Somalis and non-Somali people. We, non-Somali people, don’t want any money from Somalia; WE ONLY WISH TO SEE THIS GIANT MUSLIM COUNTRY UP AGAIN. If the incumbent Somalia president, while he is in US, seizes the opportunity to meet with the elders of Somalia community in Minnesota, this has to be celebrated rather than criticized. Those who don’t like Hassan Sheikh Mohamoud, the Somali president, are of Darot ethnic group of Somalia. And they don’t like this president only because he’s of Haweyeh ethnic group. In my life, I have personally met with many very good Somali individuals; but when it comes down to tribalism they fail like children. This rivalry between Darot ethnic group and Haweyeh ethic group which, with decades, has turned to hatred and enmity is unhuman and has no room in our dear religion, Islam. Somalia has produced many great scholars of Islam, but these Ulema cannot convince the world of anything when we see how they hate among themselves. The better of us is the better at home. Here are some of the points which supposed to be the strength of Somalia rather than a setback. 1. All Somalis look like; they have the same morphology. In other countries you find people who don’t look like at all. They easily recognize and hate each other because of that. In USA, there is NO WAY to confuse an African-American to a Caucasian. But you will have trouble to distinguish Somalis. Of course, Somalia used to have a little minority called ‘Mayi-Mayi’ or ‘Africans’. In fact, Somalis never consider themselves as Africans. But this minority, after being harshly persecuted, USA and other western countries have pulled them out of Somalia. Now all Somalis are from the same origin. This important point supposes to unite Somalis rather than divides them. 2. Somali people speak one and same language. Speaking same language is a very strong element to bound Somali people. In USA, Latino people never give up Spanish and their culture of origin. They are in US but inside themselves they remain Latinos. In a country like Switzerland, you find four different national languages; still these people live in harmony. 3. Islam used to be the only religion practiced in Somalia. Even now, after all the effort of US and western countries to impose Christianity in Somalia; still ninety-nine percent of Somalis practice Islam. Islam is the strongest boost to unite Somali people. It’s the shame for all of us to see sports and music unite people of different colors and cultures better then religions. Where the Bible fails, the Holy Quran supposes to win. Unfortunately, Christians and Muslims are worse representatives of their religions. The true Gospel of Jesus hasn’t failed; Christians have failed. The authentic Torah of Moses hasn’t failed; Christians have failed. The Holy Quran hasn’t failed; Muslims have. A French scientist, specialist of Somali affairs, said nobody, no western power, will be able to stop bloodshed in Somalia. Somalis will continue to kill themselves until they will be fed up. It’s only after that than they will think about real peace. The French expert of Somali affairs might be right; but we, non-Somali Muslims, are already fed up with Somali crisis. Time is up. It’s time to stop the rivalry and hatred between Darot and Haweyeh; and start thinking about big projects for this beautiful country. I would like to remind Somali people that they won’t have any excuse the day they will stand up in front of God. Allah gave Somali people many things that He didn’t give others. Somalis will be accountable for the graces and bounties of God to them. Any Somali who supports tribalism, ethnic division and hatred among Darot, Haweyeh, Medeban (abusively called Medgo), and Mey-Mey; that Somali person, even if he/she lives abroad, will be liable in front of God. Allah will severely punish those of Somalis who cultivate ideologies of dividing and ruining Somalia. It’s time for Somalis of division and hatred ideologies to repent to Allah and start working for the prosperity of this beautiful country. ‘‘Allah does not change a peoples lot unless they change what is in their hearts’’; the Holy Quran 13:11 (Yusuf Ali Translation). Somalis know this Holy Quran verse better than I do. But the problem is the appliance of this verse. The Holy Quran is not to be recited like parrots; it is to be lived in our 24/7 of our life. Allah loves Somalia. It’s time Somali people show their gratitude to God by ending this war. Of course western powers are happy to see their Machiavelli plot work in Somalia; but Somalis, with the power of Islam, are expected to overcome any scheme to destroy this country. Allah Akbar, Somalia Akbar!!! Then Somali people prove to the world who you really are!!! You are a strong nation, you are strong people; this is what we know of you, this is what we expect NOW; not LATER. May Allah come again and again to the rescue of Somalia as He always does. May Allah remind again and again Somali people who they really are. May Allah remind to Somali people all the graces and bounties He has bestowed them. Allah Akbar, Allah Akbar, and may His best peace and blessings upon His beloved servant and prophet, Muhammad ibn Abdullahi. Ameen, ameen, ameen!!! PS: Please forward this message of peace to every Somali, to every non-Somali Muslim, and to every activist of peace.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 19:35:28 +0000

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