SOME BODY DESPERATELY NEEDS THIS ENCOURAGEMENT/ MESSAGE Do not let your hearts be troubled.Trust in GOD and also in JESUS CHRIST.Do not be anxious of about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition,with thanksgiving, present your requests to GOD.And the peace of GOD/ Jesus the Prince of peace which transcends all understanding, will guard your heart , soul and your mind in Christ Jesus the Prince of peace. What is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-if anything is excellent or praise worthy - think or meditate about such things. Meditating on your problems will produce fear and anxiety which will ultimately paralyze you and your faith. No matter how many things seem not to be going well in your life now,if there is ONE THING that is going well please meditate or think over and over on that one thing. Remember as a man thinketh so he is. What occupies your mind long enough will ultimately come to pass.I dont care the millions of things that are not okay in your life, if there is one which is okay lets meditate on that. If you meditate on that ONE good, it becomes a seed and germinates grows and bears fruits of its kind;A snake gives birth to a snake, a cow give birth to a cow, if you concentrate on snakes you will have a bumper harvest of snakes if you concentrate cows you will have a bumper harvest of cows. See I have given you the ability to bless or curse yourself, ability to give yourself life or death, I suggest you choose life that you and your seed may live. Remember to praise GOD in all things or situations; not for all things or situations, HE inhabits the praises of HIS sons and daughters. Learn to encourage yourself in the LORD like David.David did not wait to go to the temple,to praise and claim the word of GOD, wherever he was he would proclaim/declared the LORD is my Shepherd I shall not want GOD be with you in Jesuss Name. Please give some feed back if its YOU who needed this message.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 09:09:30 +0000

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