SOME IMPORTANT FACTS ABOUT OUR BELOVED KONO DISTRICT RECENT HISTORY;INCLUDED ARE A LIST OF FEW PROMINENT PEOPLE I RECALLED WHOM I HUMBLY ACKNOWLEDGE FOR THEIR ROLE IN MAKING GREAT DIFFERENCES IN THE LIVES OF OTHERS AND PROMINENT IN SHAPING THE STRUCTURAL DEVELOPMENT OF OUR BELOVED KONO DISTRICT. IN MY OPINION ALL THESE PEOPLE DESERVE HOSPITABLE TRIBUTE IF POSSIBLE, (LIKE STREET NAMES). YOU CAN ADD TO THE LIST IF YOU SO WISH. ALSO IN MY OPINION ,I BELIEVE ALL THE UNDERMENTIONED OCCURRENCES OF DEVELOPMENT (EVENTS) WERE MADE POSSIBLE BECAUSE THE ORIGINAL KONO TRIBE INHABITANTS WERE VERY HOSPITABLE: Before the advent (discovery) of diamondS in Kono District, Ngandohu Town was the Main Commercial hub;center of trade and commerce in Kono District.The late philanthropic (humanitarian) Alhaji Sheku Taylor was living there in the 50s doing tailoring before he subsequently moved to Koidu Town and subsequently built the Central Mosque and Islamic Primary and Secondary School for Boys and Girls. Of course the Architect of the burning Train Islamic Secondary School building and the Primary school Structures was my late, great father Alhaji Osman Sidibay,who did his training in Kenema in those days. The Late Paramount Chief Kaimachendeh was very instrumental in enabling foreigners (The Strangers) to settle down in Kono District. The first Prime of Sierra Leone Sir Milton Margai Margai went to medical school in England and in 1926, graduated as a medical doctor from the Durham University College of Medicine (which went on to become Newcastle University Medical School). Margai also attended the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. He was the first Protectorate man to become a medical doctor,after graduating from Medical University, Kayima Sandor Chiefdom in Kono District was the first place he went to serve as a Medical Doctor. During his stay he came to like the climate and the hospitality of the Kono People. Two prominent people who served in the early 60s in the education department as supervisors/inspectors of schools in Kono district respectively, late Kassigbama and L M Bayoh. The late Dr M K Turay was the first Medical Doctor to build his own private Hospital, followed by the late Dr Sukutamba, and late Dr. Thunder, to serve the people of Kono District. The late Kai Foday was one of the most adherent Politicians and first to open typing School in Kono District. The Late Chief Songo Mbriwa , late former honorable Kabba-sei who was residing at the upper Dabundeh street and others pioneered new political parties,thus influenced the geopolitical landscape of Sierra Leone, by making Kono a swing District, which makes it very important and good for Kono as a battleground district to decide the outcomes of the Sierra Leone general election,it is up to us to used that at our own advantage to bring development home. The late NBC Foday was an Entrepreneur,proprietor of Koidu Town first Book Stores and Mortar Theater Cinema, a humanitarian and philanthropist,he created lots of employment in Koidu town. The late Honorable Rev. Pual Dumbah, was a clergy man who help built lots of Churches in Kono District,educated many peoples and was very instrumental in trying to bring all Konos as one;even though he always had political differences with the late Songo Mbriwa, he died as Chairman of the S.L.P.P for the entire Sierra leone.The late S.L. Matturi was the first resident Minister of the Eastern Province,later Managing Director of NDMC,and died as paramount chief of the Nimikoro Chiefdom..Mr. A G Sandi was the first black Principal of JSS (Jaiama Secondary School) He helped shape that school to be a more better one in terms of conduct and performances. Alhaji Sajalieu Bah, and Alhaji Chewtor Jalloh,two illustrious Fula businessmen who founded Ansarul Islamic Boys and Girls Schools in 1974.The late Alhaji Sulaiman Songowa of Kayema ,Sando Chiefdom, was the first konoman to visit the Holy City of Mecca to perform a pilgrimage ,he was residing in Turner Street,Koidu Town ,where he built a Mosque and an Islamic Madrassa (School) to educate his own children and other inhabitants children.The late Honorabe Kassigbama of Sando Chiefdom was the first Konoman to organise major self help program called: THE NATIONAL SELF HELP PROGRAM,and helped pioneered to construct bridge over the Baffin Killer River,this facilitated an easy access of people,vehicle,cattle,and ease trade between Kono District and Koinadougou Distrct and beyond;even to Guinea .Because of the bridge there was frequent inlux of cattles and many commodities to Kono and beyond from Koinadougou and Guinea.the late Alhaji Alpha Amadu Nyuma of Kamiyando an ethnic Kisse was the founder and proprietor of the Kono Muslim Brotherhood School and head of the Kono District Brotherhood Mission. The late Alhaji Sulaiman Jalloh was the founder and proprietor of the Nuriyat Islamic School.The Late Kemoh Mansaray,who was the bro of the late Madingo Tribal Chief in Kono,the late Sanfan Mansaray was the founder and proprietor of the Ahmadiya School in Tombodu and head of the Mission. He also help built the tombodu Mosque. First Imam to be bury in the vicinity of any Mosque in Kono District was the second Chief Imam ,the Late Alhaji Fanta Madi Janneh,he was a great Religious scholar and teacher,who impacted lot of kono inhabitants with his knowledge and wisdom. He was buried in the yard of the Koidu Central Mosque.Former Islamic Primary Headmaster Pa Hafiz Fye late father was one of the first Islamic Scholars to visit Kono District and serve as an Islamic (Arabic) teacher and Imam before Pa Hafiz late father subsequently returned back to the Gambia.First African Trader to open a big shop in Koidu was the late Alhaji Morie Bayoh ,he was also a humanitarian.The first person to buy a Mercedes Benz in Kono in those days was the late Maraka jullahman ,Alhaji Makotah,he was also a humanitarian who also help lot of poor people. The first Burial ground in KOIDU TOWN was called Kambama and it was located at Council Road,close to the APC office,was subsequently moved to Kamadu and currently in Samandu. Some Notable Tribal Chiefs :The late Alhaji Amadu Kallon(father of Torh Kallon) was the Fist Madingo Tribal Head for the entire district who died in the early 70s.The late Alhaji Kalilu Kamara was the first Maraka Tribal Head for the entire Kono District,he was residing in Maraka Compound(Behind Chief). The Second Kono District Madingo Tribal Chief was the late Chief Alhaji Sanfan Mansaray, who was residing in Tombodu .The First Koidu Mandingo Tribal Chief ,the late Alhaji Amadu Mansaray was residing at Main Kainkordu Rd opposite Ship Yard going towards hill station. The late Alhaji Momodu Bah, who was residing at Gbongboh Street,was the Fullah Tribal Chief and an Islamic Scholar. The Kono Mende Tribal Chief was the late Mr. Jamiru,who was residing at Dabundeh street,closed to Pa Hafiz Fye first resident. The Limba Tribal Chief was the late Pa Momoh Gbengeleh ,who was residing around Thorley Street.Koranko Chief,etc,add to the list. The first white KSS principal was the late Mr. T C Bartlam, the first non European Principal after the missionaries left was the late Mr. A. B Turay,who was killed in a car accident in 1973. T D Yamba is the longest Serving Kono District Principal( for over 40yrs) He is the current Principal of K SCHOOL ,he took over after the late A B Turay was kill in a road accident in 1973. Another important personality that was instrumental in Kono Educational field was the late NGombu Gbolie,who build Kono Model Academy from grassroot. The late Mr. and Mrs. Tornah (U M C BOYS AND GIRLS) HEADMASTERS,WERE ONE OF THE MOST EARLIEST PIONEERS OF ENGLISH EDUCATION IN KONO and good disciplinarians.The British Mining Company SLST(Sierra Leone Selection Trus) later NDMC(National Diamond Mining Company) also did developments in Kono District,the built many houses (quaters)in Kono District,roads,and awarded many scholarships and free medical surplies.The Roman Catholic Mission also impacted Kono District greatly,they brougth lots of development to Kono Districts ,including schools,churches etc,one of them is Koidu Girls Secondary School(KGSS) one of the best all girls school in the Eastern Province, its very instrumental in helping Kono District young girls education.The late Kemoh Turay aka Kemoh Boxer was the first person to introduce Boxing in Kono District ,and was very good at it and was very popular Above are names of people i believed deserve worthy praise and recognition.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Feb 2014 01:17:07 +0000

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