SOME INTERESTING QUESTION AND ANSWERS FOR AJJIF SUPPORTERS. Q. Has Alexey Kunin ever visited Japan? A. No Q. Is the AJJIF a “Not for Profit Organisation”? A. No it is not registered as a Not for Profit Organisation. Q. Does the AJJIF have any connection to the Japanese Government? A. No Q. What is Katabami Ryu Ju-Jitsu? A. There is no evidence that this Ju-Jitsu style has ever existed Q. Is the AJJIF organisation growing in members? A. No, many people have left the organisation. Many of the names on the website are fake. Q. Is every person listed on the AJJIF web page aware that their name is on it? A No many people have had their names placed on the AJJIF web page without their Knowledge or consent. Q. Does Alexey Kunin actually physically grade people to make sure they are worthy of the grade they are receiving from him? A. No he just presents them with a certificate for a pre set price. Q In the eyes of the majority of martial arts people in the world is Mr Alexey Kunin seen as a competent martial artist? A. No worldwide those that have seen him demonstrate technique agree that he is of low to medium quality at best. Perhaps Blue Belt level. Q. Grandmaster Kenta Tanemura is this person real? A. There is no evidence of a Kenta Tanemura in any Ju Jitsu records apart from on the AJJIF site. There are also no death notices in the year 2000 when Kenta Tamura was reported to have died according the AJJIF web page. Originally on earlier web pages created for the AJJIF Mr Alexey Kunin has mentioned one Kano Tanemura that did exist but obviously Mr Kunin had to change this to Kenta as people could have easily questioned his connection to Kano Tanemura. Q. Who Graded Alexey Kunin to 10th Dan Katabami Ju Jitsu? A. On the current web page for the AJJIF “” under the founder of the AJJIF it states “Menkyo Kaiden - 10 Dan Katabami Ryu Ju-Jitsu of Kagami Kusa Katabami Ju-Jitsu, given by Grandmaster Kenta Tanemura of Kagami Kusa Katabami Ju-Jitsu Clan.” On an earlier site its states “2000 received 6 Dan in Ju-Jitsu from O-Sensei Kano Tenamura 10 Dan Ju-Jitsu, Head of Katabami Ryu Ju-Jitsu, Japan” Notice it says Kano Tenamura not Kenta who by the way died in 2000 as stated on the current AJJIF web page. None of these dates add up. More questions to follow…
Posted on: Mon, 23 Sep 2013 10:47:21 +0000

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