SOME KIDS WITH NF FACE THIS EVERY DAY IN CLASS Imagine how confusing it would be if everything you read looked like this: IMAGINHOWCONFUSINGITWOULDBEIFEVERYTHINGYOUREAADLOOKSLIKETHIS! Or if the words begin and end in places that don’t make sense to you: ORI FTH EWOR DSBE GINA NDEN DI NPLAC ESTH ATD ON’TM AKE S ENSET OY OU? What if the letters were reversed or out of order? TAHW FI EHT SRETTEL EREW DESREVER or OTU FO ODRER? Now imagine being called on to read aloud and the w o e o ou pa ds m e ap n he g r s e t l ar d t e What if on top of that, people called you lazy, dumb or retarded and you know you’re not? These are just a few of the difficulties students with learning disabilities experience every day. These problems make learning difficult, but not impossible!It is important to remember that students with learning disabilities are more like their peers than unlike them. What is different is how they learn. Too often students with learning disabilities are accused of not trying hard enough or not paying attention when, in reality, they are doing the very best they can. Students with learning disabilities have average or above average intelligence and many are gifted as well. That is difficult to understand. Too often we equate reading and writing ability with intelligence. Students with learning disabilities can have deficits in one or more areas, but might excel in others. No assumptions can be made about a student with learning disabilities. It is important to focus on their strengths and not their disability. Students with learning disabilities have the same basic needs that all people have – acceptance, friendships, feeling worthwhile, and success. The need for success is perhaps greater for students with learning disabilities because they most likely have experienced a great deal of failure in the past.
Posted on: Fri, 27 Sep 2013 20:10:14 +0000

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