SOME MIRACLES OF THE PROPHET(SAW)..PART FOUR The Hadith is in Bayhaqi A Jewish woman, she plots and plans to kill the Messenger of Allah(saw), so she poisons the meat thats meant for the Messenger of Allah(saw) to eat, the meat is presented to the Messenger of Allah (saw),and the Meat Speaks out and says YA RASOOLU-ALLAH,DO NOT EAT ME, THERE IS POISON INSIDE ME!! The Hadith is in Bayhaqi A Bedouin from Bani Sulaim, he was walking and he has a Lizard with him, and he says to a Companion of the Prophet(saw) that WHO IS THAT MAN WHO IS SURROUNDED BY MEN ?? and the Sahabi said THAT IS THE MESSENGER OF ALLAH(SAW) ..the Bedouin walk pass the sahabi and Pushes his way through crowed ,he goes towards the Prophet(saw) and he said I SWEAR BY LAATAL UZZA(small gods they use to worship )!!,A MOTHER HAS NOT GIVEN BIRTH TO A CHILD THAT I HATE MORE THAN YOU!!, AND IF MY PEOPLE DIDNT THINK I WAS HASTY,THEN INDEED I WOULDVE SEVERED YOUR HEAD FROM YOUR BODY!!! Umar (ra) been a man of Actions and Words!!,he said OH MESSENGER OF ALLAH GIVE ME PERMISSION TO STRIKE THIS KAFURS HEAD OFF!!!! Permission is NOT Granted!, The Messenger of Allah(saw) says to the Bedouin WHY DID YOU INSULT ME????, TELL ME, WHY DID YOU DISHONOR ME ??? the Bedouin replies I SWEAR BY LAATAL UZZA!!, I WILL NOT BELIEVE IN YOU,NOR WOULD I TESTIFY IN YOU!,UNTIL MY LIZARD TESTIFIES IN YOU!! the narration states that the Prophet(saw) said to the lizard TELL ME WHO AM I ??? and the Lizard speaks I WORSHIP HE!!,WHOSE THRONE IS IN THE HEAVEN!!,WHOSE RULE IS ON THE WORLD!!,WHOSE MERCY IS IN PARADISE!!, AND HIS PUNISHMENT IS IN JAHANNAM!! the Bedouin looking soo surprise, the Prophet(saw) asked again TELL ME,WHO AM I??? and the Lizard replied YOU ARE THE MESSENGER OF ALLAH,SUCCESSFUL IS THE ONE WHO BELIEVES IN YOU!, AND UNSUCCESSFUL IS THE ONE WHO DISBELIEVES IN YOU!! Immediately the men testified 3 times..
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 10:08:34 +0000

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