SOME OF NATURAL AND HOME REMEDIES FOR CORNS Soak your feet in a - TopicsExpress


SOME OF NATURAL AND HOME REMEDIES FOR CORNS Soak your feet in a solution of warm water having Borax, Bran and Iodine mixed in it. Soak your feet in this solution for 15-20 minutes daily and then rub off your skin with the help of a towel. As Borax is an acid so it will help in exfoliating the dead skin cells and iodine helps in preventing the reaction. REMEDIES Bread and Vinegar : Treat corns with a poultice made out of a piece of white or stale bread saturated with ¼ cup of white vinegar. Soak the bread in the vinegar for 30 minutes. Break off a piece of bread large enough to completely cover the corn, and then hold in place with a piece of gauze or adhesive tape. Leave the poultice on overnight. Callused skin should dissolve and corns should become easier to remove. Baking Soda Soak: Treat corns to a soothing soak with an added three tablespoons of baking soda to a tub full of warm water. Cocoa butter can be used which helps in moistening the corn and makes the removal of the corn easier with the help of a pumice stone. Moreover the use of cocoa butter prevents the skin from dehydrating and getting damaged from sun. Chamomile Tea: Dilute chamomile tea to provide a soothing soak for your corn that helps to soften hard skin. Don’t be alarmed if you find your feet stained after the remedy – remove with a little soap and water. Circle Band-Aid: Use a Band-Aid in the shape of a circle to protect your corn while it heals. Some doctors acknowledge this home remedy as better than using the corn pads found at the pharmacy. Comfortable Shoes: Avoid wearing shoes that are too tight or too loose. Opt for comfortable footwear that doesn’t apply pressure to the feet, which can cause corns to form. Chalk: Turn a piece of chalk into a powdered home remedy for corns. Add a small amount of water to create a paste for a nighttime treatment applied before bedtime Castor Oil: Use your finger to apply one drop of castor oil onto a corn three times a day:morning, afternoon, and just before bedtime. Before putting on socks and shoes, cover the corn with a Band-Aid. Slowly, results should emerge over the course of a couple of weeks. Epsom Salt: If you suffer from inflammation and swelling at the site between the bone and corn, consider soaking your feet in a solution of Epsom salt and warm water. Not only will you reduce the size of the bursa sac causing your inflammation, but you can also relieve surrounding sensory nerves from excess pressure. Ice: To ease the pain of a hard corn, use ice to reduce swelling and treat discomfort. Papaya: The healing properties found in papaya can be used to treat a corn. Gently apply one tablespoon of fresh papaya juice onto a corn and allow drying for a couple of hours. Pineapple: Try applying pineapple juice to a stubborn corn to soften the skin. Lemon: Apply one to two slices of fresh lemon to your corns and keep in place for a couple of hours. The lemon works towards delivering relief Trim Toenails: Did you know that one of the primary objectives of toenails is to protect your toes from injury? Yet, when the pressure of a shoe rubs against a toenail for too long, the toe joint can actually push up against the shoe. The result is often a corn. To lessen the pressure that toenails experience, keep them trimmed Vinegar: Apply a cotton ball saturated with vinegar to your corn. Leave the solution on overnight and in the morning, and then gently rub affected skin with a pumice stone. Vinegar: Soaking a small piece of cloth in vinegar and wrapping it around your toe can encourage the healing of a corn. Leave this home remedy on throughout the day and night for the best results. Vaseline: Prepare for excessive walking or running by coating your toes with petroleum jelly as a way to lessen the friction you sustain Prevention of Foot corn: Some of the preventive measures for the formation of foot corns include: Avoid the activities which cause friction while you are wearing shoes of tight fitting.Make sure that you wear shoes which fit in properly and are appropriate for your feet.Check the soles and heels of your shoes, they must be even as uneven soles and heels are an indication of ill-fitting and need replacement. Ensure that the stockings and socks you wear do not cramp your toes. Wearing of the gloves, knee pads and other protective things should be worn to avoid corn formation. Make sure that you measure your feet before purchasing the shoes this will help you in getting the best fit for your toes. Also ensure that you do the purchasing of the shoes late in the afternoon when the feet are a bit swelled. This will help you in getting the best fit for your shoes.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Jul 2013 10:03:29 +0000

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