SOME OF THE DEEDS THAT TO BE PERFORMED ON JUMA’H Allah the Exalted says : “Then when the(Juma’ah) Salat is ended , you may disperse through the land, and seek the Bounty of Allah (by working), and remember Allah much that you may be successful.” (62:10) The Messenger Of Allah(Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said : 1. The Best day on which the Sun has risen is Friday . On that day Adam(pbuh) was created, he has admitted to Jannat and he was expelled therefrom.” [MUSLIM] 2. If Anyone performs Ablution(Wudu) properly, then comes to Friday prayer, listens to the Khutbah attentively and keeps silent, his (minor) sins between that Friday and the following Friday will be forgiven , with an addition of three more days(means 10days). But he who touches pebbles has caused interruption(means listen to Khutbah with full concentration and avoid useless things) [MUSLIM] 3. When one of you intends to come for Friday prayer, he should take a bath. “ [BUQARI AND MUSLIM] 4. If a Man takes bath on Friday, purifier himself as much as he can with Wudu , oils his hair, applies whatever perfume available in his house, sets forth for the Maskie doesnot seperate two people, performs Salat what is prescribed for him, remains Silent when the IMAM speaks, his(minor) sins between that Friday and the Following Friday will be forgiven. [BUQARI] 5. There is a time on Friday which a Muslim, while he/she is performing and is supplicating, will be granted whatever he/she is supplicating for. And He[PBUH] pointed with his hand to indicate that this period of time is very short.” [BUQARI AND MUSLIM] 6. Among th Best of your days is Friday. On that Day pray to Allah to Exalt my Mention frequently , for your such supplications are presented to me.” [ABU DAWOOD] 7. He who recites Surah Al Kahf on Friday, will be protected from all kinds of trials of 8 days and if DAJJAL appears,(during these 8 days)he would be even saved from him [TAFSEER IBNE KATHIR] try to do these deeds and inform it to others FBS
Posted on: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 03:04:14 +0000

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