SOME OF THE REASONS, WHY OUR DELEGATES SHOULD CONSIDER THERE VOTES FOR RT. HON LEO OGOR COME SATURDAY DECEMBER 6TH 2014. Reviving Education Infrastructure In Isoko Secondary Schools By Akpodhoma Mike EDUCATION is very basic to national development; therefore no nation can afford to toil with it. Hence, the foundation of every great nation is said to be the education of its citizens. There is no gainsaying the fact that education is very vital to the pace of social, political and economic development of any nation. Education is a key investment in any nation with enormous social and economic benefits accruing from it. It has become stereotypical for Isoko commentators to deride the Isoko public schools especially the infrastructural levels of these citadels of learning. Most of the time, these commentaries are not based on the facts on ground at the respective schools. In other words, the ingrained criticisms are based on the perceptions of the individual analysts, who often premise their conclusions on hear-say information. To say that the Isoko school system does not have infrastructural deficits will be to play the ostrich. But for anyone to deliberately ignore the massive improvements in the public schools especially in the area of physical infrastructure will be to say the least, uncharitable. As had been stated in previous conversations, whatever analysis that is made regarding the public secondary schools in Isoko especially Ozoro headquarter of Isoko North Local Government Area must be placed in the right context. Whoever is discussing these issues, once he is objective, would admit that the game has changed fundamentally, with hon Leo’s educational commitment to the development of infrastructure in our public schools at an all-time high. Those who have an objective mindset agree quite willingly that the pace of infrastructural development in Isoko public schools by Ogor indicates that Isoko nation will in the nearest future witness a complete turnaround. Key public schools that have benefitted from the federal lawmaker’s action plan clearly spelt out in the just built 18classrooms blocks with laboratory at Alaka Secondary School Ozoro which was completed within the pace of four months. Others include, the construction of two story ICT building at Delta State Polythenic Ozoro with over five hundred computers, the renovation of 8classrooms block at Eru Primary School Igbide with table and chairs. It’s instructive to note also that Ogor in time past has the following to his educational developmental strides within Isoko. The Building of classroom Block at Elo-oghene Primary school Bathel-Oyede, Construction/Equipment of library in Irri grammar school, Building of One block of three classrooms at Emede grammar school, Building of One block of three classrooms at Ellu primary school, Construction of 1 block of 5classrooms at Ekwerigbe primary school, ozoro, building of I block of three classrooms at Omode primary school Oleh, Construction of 1block of 3classrooms at Aka primary school Ukpude Aviara, Provision of books and furniture to Odoro primary school Oleh etc The Leo led representation at the House of Representative has recorded a lot of Success in physical infrastructure among Isoko public schools because of the commitment of the lawmaker.Aside the regular infrastructural development embarked upon by the lawmaker to improve the infrastructural standard of Isoko nation, he also see to the payment of several Isoko students tuition fees especially those at the higher institutions.It is no longer news that Hon Leo Ogor has done tenuously well for Isoko nation. Speaking at the commissioning, the Deputy Majority leader Hon Leo Ogor member representing Isoko federal constituency appreciates the stakeholders present at the commissioning of the various projects. He said: “I can’t watch my people, the people I represent not being able to acquire primary and secondary education even up to tertiary level.” Ogor also used the opportunity to eulogize his amiable wife who he described as the brain behind the building of the 18classroom blocks and laboratory at Alaka Secondary Schools, note also that the projects was funded by the Ogor’s family, friends and associates. There is a saying that behind every successful man, there is a woman. The lawmaker said many thanks to his dear wife for her support and also for conceiving the idea. He said She has been a pillar of support. Ogor also cautioned against giving the project a political undertone stating that what was done was with genuine interest for the educational advancement of Isoko people. Rt Hon Leo Ogor also used the occasion to announce the readiness of America Embassy to partner with the school by donating educational materials to the school. Performing the commissioning, wife of the Deputy Majority leader, Mrs Peace Oghenekaro Ogor reiterated that the project is one mission we regard as our sacred duty towards our children and their own children that are yet unborn. She also thanked her husband for his understanding and commitment towards advancing the cause of the Isoko people. She stressed also that the Ogor family have been deeply steeped in vision, well-oiled by passion, and firmly backed by action.And if only for their sake, we will stick with what we are doing until our mission is accomplished”. She told the gathering. What must be understood by stakeholders not conversant with developments in our public schools is the fact that the rot in these institutions was unimaginable.The successes recorded by Ogor in embarking on this kind gesture is the revival of infrastructure of public school will be better appreciated if viewed from these lenses. What has been done in this piece is to point out with hard facts measures taken by the Ogor Representation to re-position the infrastructure base of our public schools. On ground, every Isoko associated with these schools appreciates the efforts. It is ongoing and the commitment for sustenance is visible. It is not a case of vain promises, but projects executed and others being executed. Those who make unfounded declarations do so because they are unwilling to leave the comfort of their arm-chairs or prefer to find solace in the old-fashioned cliché: ‘government no dey do anything’. The Infrastructure base of our public schools has witnessed the most profound positive touch under Leo representation the facts speak for themselves. thepointernewsonline/?p=34796
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 14:21:24 +0000

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