SOME OF THE TORTURE METHODS USED IN THE WITCH TRIALS When looking for accused witches the witch hunters desire became so overpowering that to get a confession they would invent new methods of getting these supposed witches to confess, The Items listed below tell of some of the horrific implements used to get a confession from an accused witch: BOOTIKINS (sound almost cute do not be fooled). The boots went from the persons ankles all the way up to their knees, wedges were them hammered into the boot and indeed the leg crushing bones, splintering, and breaking them with each THUMP. . THE PEAR An expanding pear shaped device that was often inserted into various orifices and was usually equipped with sharp spikes in the end so it would stab its victim (usually in the neck), the screw attached to the device would be turned to expand it until it tore and mangled which ever orifice it had been inserted in. This often caused death usually by blood loss or infection. TURCUS . Used to rrriiipp the finger nails out, usually the victim would have pins or needles poked into the exposed skin left over by the removal of the nail. RED HOT PINCERS Het up till glowing red then placed against various parts of the witches body. (Sometimes they were used to take a womans breasts off just to further humiliate them) PINCER Sometimes inserted into vaginas and rectums, but more commonly used to tear pieces of flesh ( these were often used after a victim had already been horse whipped.) CRUSHING Accused person was often made to lie on the ground or on a table with a board laid on top, whilst under interrogation with each question a large rock would be placed on top, eventually putting the pressure on so much that the person underneath would become breathless and confess, it did not stop there however as once the victim had confessed more and more would be placed on top, until the confessors last breath. (A very slow and painful way to die.) STONING Mobs would gather and throw stones at the accused until they died, sometimes this may have taken minutes and in more sinister cases even hours dependent on the situation. In a lot of cases the Mobs would gather before the witch was even tried!! STRAPPADO. The victim was tied with rope with their wrists being bound behind their back, the rope was then hoisted ovr a ceiling beam pulled and pulled until the accused was left hanging in mid air and then just dropped!. Repeated time and time again until the victims shoulders were dislocated. THUMBSCREWS A screw was used to screw into a persons finger or toe until it broke through the nail and into the exposed skin and then further down into the nerves underneath. Would you have confessed?, do you think you would of passed their tests?, or you maybe you would like to share your own knowledge on some of the other methods of gaining a confession from your local history?, Whatever your opinion, we look forward to hearing from you. (Claire)
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 23:35:48 +0000

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