SOME QUOTABLE QUOTES FOR YOUR REFLECTIONS. DO CARE TO READ. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! What is commonest to all great nations and Leaders that brought about changes was the willingness to do things differently. No nation has ever prospered by assembling a band of thieves and handing over the treasures of the nation to them. A Leader who wants to change his nation must develop some hatred and impatience for doing things the same old way. He must assemble a new crop of intellectuals to think through difficulties. If his nation must progress. No revolution has ever occurred by pandering to the wishes and dictates of members of the privilegentsia. The interests of the poor must always override that of the wealthy. The Rich men must always show mercy for the poor in order to enjoy their riches in peace. There is nothing wrong with making money but it must not be made at the peril of ordinary poor people. I am of the belief and an opinion that I will forever stand proudly on this ; That the very foundation of democracy is the rule of law. A truly Democratic Nation must make the same laws for saints and sinners alike. And the laws must not be suddenly exhumed for political persecution or retaliation. When you write what the powers-that-be consider positive, no one remembers to say thank you, but when you write a few lines of what they find offensive, you have instantly become an instant opposition enemy. Nations that live in better conditions are challenging ancient myths. They are breaking down walls of superstitions and repression. The World is in turmoil, while we continue to live in Fools Paradise, this can not endure for much longer in Nigeria. The people I pity are the Nigerian Technocrats, I m surprised that they cant see that the road and journey they take can only lead to perfidy. They are staking their all, their reputation in particular, for the prodigal sons and daughters who have already sold their today and tomorrow to the demons of power of money and impunity. Whatever has a beginning must have an end. We must all pray to see the end of this incongruous journey. The journey starts when tomorrow arrives. That hour of reckoning seems to have come finally. The whirlwind of terror is here to stay. The time has come to challenge fate and await the results with bated breath.There is nothing you and I can do to stop this march of history. It may be the tonic we need to wake us up from our incredible stupor. The mountain, abode of the gods, the master fabulist narrated, went into labour, and the earth trembled and the air howled with frightening sounds. Then suddenly, all became calm and mountain peak split open. Only to expel a tiny little mouse. They spin all manner all tales against you on your bad day. And move on effortlessly to worship at the altar of the new gods. In our clime, the man whos caught is the only thief, like a free roaming robber who fears nothing because nothing will happen. Our leaderships, especially since second republic in 1979 have done little to arrest the sense of drift to a point where we are now in thrall to nihilist violence across all the geopolitical zones. All you hear about Nigeria is violence, violence as if violence is the only thing being manufactured by us. The increasingly democratization of mass violence as the principal means of political advocacy is itself a statement about the state of both political leadership and our institutions. A wedding is a funeral where a man smells his own flowers. When a lie is repeated so often without rebuttal, it soon wears the garb and semblance of truth. Its clear that, despite their pretension to erudition, many Nigerian analysts confronted with stark realities dont even understand what the dynamics of Nigerian politics are, as long as they look at things only from a hegemonic prism, or from the jaundiced perspectives of their patrons. We have done the waiting at the polling booths quietly to cast votes which never count. We stood up to defend our votes in the collating centres, we were chased away at gun points like armed robbers, by those whose statutory duties were to protect us and ensure justice. Its time for us to invade the parties, especially the ruling national party. It is time to infiltrate to change from within. The Real Trouble With Nigerians In Nigeria, is significantly that of a docile followership that would rather grumble than act in unison and collectively in pursuit of desired objectives. We all accept that corruption is the cancerous monster killing our nation but what have we done about it collectively ? Indeed, how many of us, including those who influence public opinion, can claim to be immune from it ? How many of our Professors or fear Journalists would rather appear before the Magistrate and be fined for committing a minor traffic offence than bribe the police and go free. Country men, corruption will not go away until and unless we genuinely and collectively resent it and are equally prepared to vent our anger and disgust against it and its doers no matter how big or powerful the doers are. Nigeria is our only country, we can choose to make and remake it, for our ultimate survivai, or destroy it along with ourselves.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 04:16:51 +0000

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