SOME STRAIGHT TALK REGARDING OVERPOPULATION It is unbelievable that people today refuse to acknowledge the fact that overpopulation is the root cause of most of the problems we face. Issues such as climate change and global warming, poverty, freshwater depletion, famine, and the numerous human conflicts that are omnipresent in the world today all have a direct linkage to overpopulation. But nobody will talk about that, at least nobody in any position of responsibility. None of the 193 sovereign nations in the world have publically admitted that this is an issue, and neither has the United Nations. Nobody. There are voices out there that do recognize that overpopulation is a very serious issue for mankind. There are several books that have been written on this subject, and social media is alive with passionate outcries about the consequences of ignoring population growth, but these views are akin to whistling in the wind. Nobody is listening, or if they are, they are not doing anything about it. Our leaders are ignoring these cries for action. The reasons our leaders refuse to acknowledge that overpopulation is a serious issue are numerous, but the most likely and most significant factors are: • Too optimistic that the United Nations Millennium Development Goals, which ignore the issue of overpopulation, will make the world a happy place; • Expectation that environmental organizations such as Greenpeace will protect us from the ravages of corporations and capitalism; • Expectation that the USA will save the world; • Excessive fixation on greenhouse gas emissions; • Belief that geoengineering will fix things; • Environmental demagogues have a very loud and convincing voice; • Insistence on economic growth as a cure-all; • Religious dogma is more important than logic; • Reproduction is considered to be a human right, and a taboo topic; and • Repulsion to the very idea of population control. But enough of the negatives. It is time for some rational thinking in this world. Our problem should be obvious. It should be obvious that there are just too many people on this earth. However, nobody is giving any serious consideration to this fact. The Middle East is exploding, Africa is starving, China is killing their people with pollution, and even countries such as the USA cannot support their population. Yet, nobody seems to be trying to find a viable solution to this problem. Economists say keep economies growing and people consuming, religious leaders say keep breeding to expand their congregation, and people everywhere seem to be obsessed with saving lives and growing human populations, typically for altruistic reasons. These factors, however, all result in more people, and greater overpopulation. This leads to stress, and this leads to societal turmoil. Today, turmoil is omnipresent. People are revolting because they want a better life. They are upset because their government is not giving them the standard of living they want, even though in most cases the government just does not have the ability to do so. And we must not forget the extremists who are capitalizing on this unrest to try to instill their radical views on how we should behave. Truth be told, the world simply does not have the ability to provide a good life for all. Not looking good for our future. It is time for us to accept the fact that we have overpopulated the world. We have exceeded the carrying capacity of the earth, but refuse to admit it. We seem to believe that we can keep breeding, keep growing our population, and keep consuming resources without consequences. Somehow, we believe, things will always be OK for us, and the future will be rosy. Are we delusional? Our leaders seem to be. We must learn that there are limits to the number of humans that the world can sustain, in spite of the global obsession for more growth, for more wealth, and for more people. However, it seems likely that our leaders, including those in the UN and USA, are not going to solve this problem for us. It seems likely that we need to find an alternative solution, but is this possible? Maybe. If one or more nations, however small, commit to a strict code of living within their means, of respecting the rights and freedoms of their citizens, and protecting their environment, turmoil in these nations will be reduced. Then, if such nations make a further commitment to treat other like-minded nations the same way, and reject nations that are derelict in their behaviour, chaos in the world will be reduced. This is the concept of utopization. For more information, please visit our website at utopization. Our progress on introducing this concept to the world is contained therein. The book, Utopization - From Chaos To Utopia, details the concept and can only be purchased on this website (see
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 00:00:33 +0000

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