SOME TESTS OF FRIENDSHIPS A Legitimate question that any person - TopicsExpress


SOME TESTS OF FRIENDSHIPS A Legitimate question that any person may ask is, How can i determine whether or not my acquaintances are genuine friends? Is there some quality whereby we can test sincerity of those who say, you can bid me farewell if you choose, but you will never have a better friend than i am to you? Do they speak the truth or lie? We can determine if friendships are genuine or not. Friendship is like a sheltering tree, mysterious cement of the soul, sweetness of life and solder of the society. Like love, it seeketh not her own. Here are some tests of friendships; 1.DEMANDS.- no true friend will persist in making demands upon another person. He will not even demand affection but give it. It is the spirit of friendship to give. It knows no demands. It asks nothing but gives unconditionally. If you lose such person you have not lost a friend but have escaped from an enemy. A true friend always seeks to discover what he may do to bring joy and happiness to the one who is the object of his affections. 2.THINGS THAT DEGRADE.- It is never the desire of a sincere friend to attempt to induce a partner to indulge in degrading practices. No young man who cares one iota for a girl would ever entice her to engage in demoralising practices. He would rather encourage her to do nothing of which she and he would be ashamed. All his efforts are but to support her in an endeavor to live a normal, happy and cheerful life. 3.A SINCERE INTEREST.- A true frien will manifest a genuine interest in you, in all you do and in that which is of importance to you. Your tasks and joys will be of genuine concern to him. A companion worthy of the name will be interested in the work that engages your time and talent. One of the blessings of having a friend is that you have one who shares your interests. He makes your task easier and encourages you to reach your goal. He will be interested in your ambitions and will experience joy in your attainments and share in your losses. What you desire to be he will help you to be. God Bless You.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 18:43:10 +0000

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