SOME THOUGHTS I WANTED TO SHARE: Something thats been on my - TopicsExpress


SOME THOUGHTS I WANTED TO SHARE: Something thats been on my mind a lot lately. when we approach people out of love what does that look like. does that mean we dont offend them? Or does it mean we speak truth without having the right intentions. For example; are we trying to prove someone wrong or show them we are smarter, or are we concerned about their salvation. The reason I wonder is because I have seen people saved from people yelling in the streets turn from your sin you sinners, look at Jonah, Jeremiah, and many other old testament prophets there was nothing un offensive about their approach, they just told people God would judge them. I have also seen this turn people from God at least temporarily. I have seen people come to Christ through gentle discipleship. But also have seen people not take our God seriously from that same approach and ignore the truth or turn quickly from it. In fact I can say I have seen people come to Christ through His Spirit alone with little or no help from surrounding believers. Im pretty confident many of us have seen people come to Christ in many seemingly bold maybe even, dare I say; judgemental ways. And have seen these ways fail. also the same with almost any approach we agree or disagree with; minus the Spirits work of course, so which one is right. As I think about this I feel as though God has wired us all different to reach different people. I have been guilty of deciding on one approach, but TRUTH is TRUTH and The Spirit is the one who does the final work in an individuals life. I think whats important to remember that as believers actually approaching a person or people is an act of obedience. (Mark 16:15-16) I dont believe the great commission was just for the disciples. It is our duty and as believers should be our desire to act on. I dont think we should worry about our approach so much as speaking truth. follow the Spirit and speak truth the way God wired you then let His Spirit do the rest. If the Spirit tells you to move and you are worried about how that person receives you Think of James 4:17 Remember it is sin to know what you ought to do and not do it. Yes I know all of the awesome Bible verses about speaking truth out of love and I agree 100% for example Ephesians 4:15 and many others. The question is what does love look like in this setting. Is it making the recipient feel good? or is it really about the motive of the one sharing?
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 18:07:47 +0000

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