SOME THOUGHTS OF CHARITY AND FUND RAISING The Catholic Church is the biggest organisation that help the poor and those in disaster stricken area. American and British and other 1st World Catholics send billions of dollar/pounds to the poor countries. To do Charity is a command of Jesus Christ to his followers. Without Charity, one cannot be called a Christian. Catholics do not just give to charity clothes and food they want to throw away or extra money they have. Many would fast or deprive of themselves material things to give to the poor. Many would give part of their salary for church charity and leave in their will for the church for the poor. Catholics do not give to charity so that they could be praised or their individual names be posted. As Jesus said they would lose their reward. A group of British and Irish Catholics, the Little Way Association, that I know in London has emailed me that they have initially raised £30,000 for Philippine Disaster Fund. Most of these people live a frugal life to raise money for the missions and for the poor. I represent the Catholics in this area. I am also from Guiuan Samar and Tacloban. Before I came to UK, I ministered in Samar Leyte, Cebu and other places stricken. My house now is now a temporary clinic organised by my sister Susan a nurse from New York who happened to be on holidays during the typhoon. Dra Lisa Barcelo, a next door neighbour (who two brothers are priests Fr. Boyet in New Zealand and Fr. Romeo) and a fiance of my niece a nurse too, Dr. Marion Acuin take care of the injured and sick in the area. It you want to organise fund raising in our charity number please contact me so you can officially collect donations on behalf of St. Patrick Catholic Church Philippine Disaster Funds. Fr. Claro Conde 07803191502
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 11:01:15 +0000

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