SOME VERY USEFUL INFORMATION BY MICHELLE PESCOSOLIDO. Daily Traffic NOW Checklist Your daily action guide to building your business and/or brand online using Facebook. Consistency is KEY! This checklist is made for the person who is serious about building their brand online by using a Fan Page. If you don’t have a Fan Page and you want to build your business online using Facebook, consider getting yourself a Fan Page. Below is My Daily Action Plan That We Implement EVERY Single Day for success...... 1.Log in to your account everyday to check all new notifications. Make sure you are responding to everyone who comments on your page, responds to your status updates, and those who are asking questions on your page. 2.Respond to all emails and engage by asking questions about the person emailing you. People LOVE to talk about themselves and what they do. Engaging in conversation is your job here. Take time to actually look at their profile and find some commonalities. 3.Post a status up date on your Facebook Fan Page as your Fan Page persona 3-4 times a day. Give VALUE, donʼt pitch! Also donʼt use the status up date scheduler as this will likely result in you not visiting your Facebook Fan Page throughout the day to respond to commenters. a. Post status updates with pictures b. Post status updates with a video c. Post simple to answer questions, trivia, agree/disagree questions, what are your thoughts, yes/no questions, anything that will result in your fans engaging in your content 4.Consider promoting your posts through Facebook advertising and promoting your status updates right on your Fan Page. As of this report you need 100 “likes” to promote on your page
Posted on: Thu, 04 Jul 2013 05:34:44 +0000

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