SOME WORDS TO CONSIDER IF YOU WANT TO GET IN SHAPE: Continuity & intensity. The two elements that decide body transformation. Nobody ever said ‘I got strong last week’ or ‘I became fit last month.’ It takes courage, education, and commitment to decide to step out of the comfort box and to do so for a long time – not just the duration of a mere 8-week personal training program. Stepping outside of this comfort box means reaching metabolic thresholds by actually making your workout count by lifting weights, making an effort to cook everyday from real food you buy from real grocery stores, and steering away from the mindset that a simple cardio session everyday is going to offset all the bad food you’ve eaten or make your butt or abs look better. If this were the case, everyone on the planet would be fit. But that’s not the case. The gym is packed with more people on the treadmill than in the weight room. And the waistlines aren’t getting any smaller. People are getting lazier because the treadmill is easy. Weightlifting is hard. And people dont like hard. They like easy. Anybody who has achieved significant body transformation will be quick to tell you it’s a lifestyle change – just as you’re forced to go to work everyday to get paid, diet and exercise must be seen as work, but without the paycheck. Instead, it’s much more profitable. At what price do you put a slimmer waistline? Your confidence? Your reduced health care costs? Your life insurance acceptance? Your longevity? Your lack of pain or chronic visits to the doctor? The return investment in the time and effort you put directly into your diet and exercise is priceless. Consider your top-5 priorities and adjust your life around these five items. If fitness isn’t part of the top-5 priority list, then it’s simply not for you, but for somebody more willing and deserving standing next to you. Exercise is nothing short of a collection of extremely good decisions made daily over a long period of time. Each decision you make – from the time you wake up, the type of breakfast you eat, the amount of cardio you do, the number of weightlifting sessions you perform, the dinner you make, and the time you go to sleep – add up. The better your decisions over this period of time, the better your success. This is why personal training -- excuse my simple language -- sucks. As a trainer -- I see you only two, maybe three hours a week. This gives you more than 165 hours in the week to screw things up. Now, some of these decisions youre going to have to make everyday will be harder than others so you’re going to have to surround yourself with positive influences in your life. If your friends and family are constantly eating out, drinking, and smoking – you’re going to be tempted to fit this evil mold. Find positive influences and make sure they are the ones pushing you to buy and cook real food everyday, lift weights three or four times a week, sprint once a week, and perform your constant steady-state recovery exercises such as the treadmill, meditation, or yoga everyday. Yes...if youre asking, the treadmill workouts you do are pretty much steady-state recovery work and seldom count as real exercise. They just cover the basic minimum requirement of moving your body every day. Continuity & Intensity. Next time you’re at the gym or in the kitchen, think of these two words.
Posted on: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 08:37:50 +0000

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