SOME WORDS WHO CONFUSE US A *. A, An, & And *. Abstruse and - TopicsExpress


SOME WORDS WHO CONFUSE US A *. A, An, & And *. Abstruse and Obtuse *. Accept, Except, and Expect *. Accidental and Incidental *. Ad and Add *. Adapt and Adopt *. Adverse and Averse *. Advice and Advise *. Affect and Effect *. Afterward(s) and Afterword *. Aggravate and Irritate *. Aid and Aide *. Aisle, Ill, and Isle *. All Ready and Already *. All Together and Altogether *. Allude and Elude *. Allusion and Illusion *. Allusive and Elusive *. A Lot (Much, Many) *. Altar and Alter *. Alternate and Alternative *. Ambiguous and Ambivalent *. Among and Between *. Amoral and Immoral *. Amount and Number *. Amuse and Bemuse *. Anecdote and Antidote *. Angel and Angle *. Anonymous and Unanimous *. Anxious and Eager *. Anyone and Any One *. Appraise and Apprise *. Ardent and Arduous *. Are and Our *. Ascent and Assent *. Assure, Ensure, and Insure *. Aural and Oral *. Avocation and Vocation *. Awhile and A While B *. Bail and Bale *. Baited and Bated *. Band and Banned *. Bare and Bear *. Bathos and Pathos *. Beat and Beet *. Beside and Besides *. Bloc and Block *. Boar, Boor, and Bore *. Board and Bored *. Bolder and Boulder *. Brake and Break *. Bread, Bred, and Breed *. Breakdown and Break Down *. Breath and Breathe *. Bridal and Bridle *. Bring and Take *. Broach and Brooch *. Buy, By, and Bye C *. Calvary and Cavalry *. Cannon and Canon *. Canvas and Canvass *. Capital and Capitol *. Carat, Caret, and Carrot *. Ceiling and Sealing *. Cel, Cell, and Sell *. Censor and Censure *. Cent, Scent, and Sent *. Cereal and Serial *. Chafe and Chaff *. Chaotic and Inchoate *. Childish and Childlike *. Choose, Chose, and Chosen *. Chord and Cord *. Cite and Site *. Cleanup and Clean Up *. Click and Clique *. Climactic and Climatic *. Close, Clothes, and Cloths *. Coarse and Course *. Collaborate and Cooperate *. Compile and Compose *. Complement and Compliment *. Complementary and Complimentary *. Compulsion and Compunction *. Confidant and Confident *. Connote and Denote *. Conscience and Conscious *. Consequently and Subsequently *. Contemptible and Contemptuous *. Continual and Continuous *. Council and Counsel *. Credible, Creditable, and Credulous *. Criterion and Criteria D *. Dam and Damn *. Days and Daze *. Dazed and Dazzled *. Dear and Deer *. Defective and Deficient *. Defuse and Diffuse *. Dependant and Dependent *. Deprecate and Depreciate *. Desert and Dessert *. Device and Devise *. Diagnosis and Prognosis *. Die and Dye *. Discover and Invent *. Discreet and Discrete *. Disinterested and Uninterested *. Distinct and Distinctive *. Dual and Duel E *. Earthly and Earthy *. Economic and Economical *. E.g. and I.e. *. Elicit and Illicit *. Emigrate and Immigrate *. Eminent and Imminent *. Envelop and Envelope *. Epigram, Epigraph, and Epitaph *. Etc. and Et al. *. Eventually and Ultimately *. Everyday and Every Day *. Everyone and Every One *. Evoke and Invoke *. Exhort and Extort *. Explicit and Implicit F *. Faint and Feint *. Fair and Fare *. Farrago and Fiasco *. Farther and Further *. Faze and Phase *. Few (Fewer) and Little (Less) *. Finally and Finely *. Find and Fined *. Fir and Fur *. Flair and Flare *. Flammable, Inflammable, and Nonflammable *. Flaunt and Flout *. Flea and Flee *. Flesh Out and Flush Out *. Flew, Flu, and Flue *. Flounder and Founder *. Flour and Flower *. Forbear and Forebear *. Foreword and Forward *. Formally and Formerly *. Forth and Fourth *. Fortunate and Fortuitous *. Full and Fulsome G *. Garner and Garnish *. Gibe, Jibe, and Jive *. Good and Well *. Gorilla and Guerrilla *. Gourmand and Gourmet *. Grate and Great *. Grateful and Gratified *. Grisly and Grizzly *. Groan and Grown *. Guessed and Guest H *. Hall and Haul *. Hanged and Hung *. Hardy and Hearty *. Have and Of *. Hear and Here *. Heard and Herd *. Heroin and Heroine *. Higher and Hire *. Historic and Historical *. Hoard and Horde *. Hoarse and Horse *. Hole and Whole *. Home and Hone *. Hoping and Hopping *. Hour and Our *. Human and Humane *. Hurdle and Hurtle I *. I and Me *. Imaginary and Imaginative *. Imply and Infer *. In and Into *. Incidence and Incidents *. Incite and Insight *. Incredible and Incredulous *. Indiscreet and Indiscrete *. Ingenious and Ingenuous *. Inhuman and Inhumane *. Insidious and Invidious *. Intense and Intent *. Interment and Internment *. Inveigh and Inveigle *. Its and Its J *. Judicial and Judicious K *. Know and No L *. Last and Latter *. Later and Latter *. Lay and Lie *. Leach and Leech *. Lead and Led *. Leave and Let *. Lend and Loan *. Lessen and Lesson *. Lets and Lets *. Liable and Libel *. Lightening and Lightning *. Limp and Limpid *. Literally and Figuratively *. Loath and Loathe *. Loose and Lose *. Luxuriant and Luxurious M *. Mail and Male *. Manner and Manor *. Mantel and Mantle *. Many and Much *. Marital and Martial *. Material and Materiel *. Maybe and May Be *. Meat, Meet, and Mete *. Medal, Meddle, Metal, and Mettle *. Media, Medium, and Mediums *. Militate and Mitigate *. Miner and Minor *. Missed and Mist *. Moot and Mute *. Moral and Morale N *. Naval and Navel *. Nobody, None, and No One *. Noisome and Noisy *. Nutritional and Nutritious O *. Obsolescent and Obsolete *. Official and Officious *. Ordinance and Ordnance P *. Pail and Pale *. Pain and Pane *. Pair, Pare, and Pear *. Palatable and Palpable *. Palate, Palette, and Pallet *. Passed and Past *. Patience and Patients *. Peace and Piece *. Peak, Peek, and Pique *. Pedal and Peddle *. Penultimate and Ultimate *. Perpetrate and Perpetuate *. Perquisite and Prerequisite *. Persecute and Prosecute *. Personal and Personnel *. Perspective and Prospective *. Perverse and Perverted *. Plain and Plane *. Pole and Poll *. Poor, Pore, and Pour *. Pray and Prey *. Precede and Proceed *. Precedence and Precedents *. Precipitate and Precipitous *. Premier and Premiere *. Prescribe and Proscribe *. Principal and Principle *. Prodigy and Protégé *. Profit and Prophet *. Prophecy and Prophesy *. Prostate and Prostrate Q *. Quell and Quench *. Quiet, Quit, and Quite *. Quotation and Quote R *. Rack and Wrack *. Rain, Reign, and Rein *. Raise, Raze, and Rise *. Rapt and Wrapped *. Rational and Rationale *. Ravage and Ravish *. Real and Reel *. Recourse and Resource *. Regretful and Regrettable *. Reluctant and Reticent *. Respectfully and Respectively *. Restive and Restless *. Review and Revue *. Riffle and Rifle *. Right, Rite, Wright, and Write *. Ring and Wring *. Risky and Risqué *. Role and Roll S *. Sail and Sale *. Scene and Seen *. Seam and Seem *. Seasonable and Seasonal *. Sensible and Sensitive *. Sensual and Sensuous *. Serve and Service *. Set and Sit *. Shall and Will *. Shear and Sheer *. Should and Would *. Sic and Sick *. Simple and Simplistic *. Skulk and Sulk *. Soar and Sore *. Sole and Soul *. Sometime, Some time, and Sometimes *. Stair and Stare *. Stake and Steak *. Stanch and Staunch *. Stationary and Stationery *. Statue and Statute *. Steal and Steel *. Straight and Strait *. Suit, Suite, and Sweet T *. Tack and Tact *. Tail and Tale *. Tasteful and Tasty *. Taught and Taut *. Team and Teem *. Temerity and Timidity *. Than and Then *. Their, There, and Theyre *. Threw, Through, and Thru *. Throes and Throws *. Tide and Tied *. To, Too, and Two *. Torpid and Torrid *. Tortuous and Torturous *. Track and Tract *. Translucent and Transparent *. Troop and Troupe *. Trustee and Trusty *. Turbid, Turbulent, and Turgid U *. Urban and Urbane V *. Vain, Vane, and Vein *. Vale and Veil *. Vary and Very *. Venal and Venial *. Veracious and Voracious W *. Wade and Weighed *. Waist and Waste *. Wait and Weight *. Waive and Wave *. Ware, Wear, and Where *. Way and Weigh *. Weak and Week *. Weather and Whether *. Were, Were, and Where *. Wet and Whet *. Whine and Wine *. Who, Which, and That *. Who and Whom *. Whoever and Whomever *. Whose and Whos Y *. Yoke and Yolk *. Young and Youthful *. Your and Youre
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 07:05:11 +0000

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