SOMEONES GREAT RESPONSE TO MY RANT......GOD BLESS HIM NEED MORE PEOPLE LIKE HIM...... Having a prison ministry of my own I have found many people who would dare claim to be Christians balk or outright give a firm No to prison ministries. Many churches do not have them because they are considered a black pit for donations, and an image problem for the church that they dare associate with prisoners. Moreover I fully understand and agree with Linda. Jesus required us, as Christians, to visit those in prison. How many who are part of +Linda Odell s circles, or mine, can claim they support Christs mandate? I dont ask for anything as my ministry is different from Lindas. I have yet to be blessed to the point that I can go into the prisons and provide for those inside. It is a massive task and one that requires many folks to give but just a little. I spend over $100+ a month on stamps for my newsletters. Thats not including office resources, paper, or envelopes. Now imaging what Linda has to get together for resources to provide holiday care packages? Even the Dollar Tree brands, times the number of inmates, times shampoo, soap, toothpaste, and other items that her ministry needs to provide multiplies into a big cost. As a former inmate that had nothing I can personally attest to the importance of such charity of such ministries. How much it touch lives and gives hope. You dont know how many men and women lack the monies to even buy a bar of soap. In fact, many prisons lack a work for pay program for inmates. To get such a simple gift brings a bright light into an otherwise dark life. You have no idea how a simple act can make great changes in a persons life and hope for the future. A Godly future! Linda, email me an address on where to send my check. Usual details as to who to make it out to, et al. As for the rest of part of something that God has blessed. Be part of a prison ministry! Better the fallen be in Church giving back to God and the community than shunned to the point of taking from all.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 23:57:02 +0000

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