SOMETHING CAUGHT MY EYE ON KTNs WALL Ahmed Joel Ticha THEY CANT SHAVE UHURU KENYATTA: In 2008 , i saw Raila crying like a baby on Al Jazeera Channel when he went to city mortuary and found piles of dead bodies stacked on top of each other. These bodies belonged to his rioting supporters who have been shot dead by police after he called for mass action & they headed his call. Once he got power he never even remembered those who were shot & living with bullets in their bodies to be atleast compensated . He originally thought kibaki was a walkover and he used to warn kibaki that they will deport him together with lucy to othaya via 46 othaya express.This time round he has called for mass action. Unlike 2008 we know where the ICC is. He has threatened Uhuru Kenyatta he will shave him without water on 7/7/2014. Unknown to him Uhuru will not be shaved neither will he shave Raila. Saba Saba is less than 1 month to go to know who means business and who is bluffing. One thing am for sure though Uhuru will pluck their hair out!! REMEMBER THAT: LIBYA WAS PEACEFUL BEFORE AMERICA DECIDED TO LIBERATE IT, EGYPT WAS SWEET BEFORE THEY WANTED FREEDOM, ASK SYRIANS, IF ONLY THEY KNEW, BETTER LIVES THEY WOULD BE LIVING, SOMALIA OUR NEIGHBOURS KILLED SAID BARE, SEE IT TODAY, I HOPE YOU REMEMBER WHAT HAPPENED AFTER HABRIYAMANA DIED... IT TOOK 100 DAYS TO SLASH 800,000 PEOPLE TO DEATH... WITH ENOUGH EXAMPLES, IF YOU REALLY WANT TO FIGHT, GO FIGHT FOR PEACE IN THOSE COUNTRIES, LET KENYA REMAIN... UHURU AINT THE BEST PRESIDENT YOU SAY, EN I CATEGORICALLY SAY, RAILA AINT THE WORST PRESIDENT WE NEVER HAD, HE IS DEVIL THE INCARNATE. SOON TUTAANZA TENA ZILE ZA PENDA AMANI, ZUIA NOMA? NEVER EVER, JAH IS GOOD TO WE... NA SI UJALUO ITAWAUA, NI RISASI AU THUNDERSTORM... (Husiniletee feelings za ukabila hapa, hizo peleka tononoka grounds)
Posted on: Sun, 15 Jun 2014 09:28:19 +0000

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