SOMETHING IS GOING TO HAPPEN SOON BUT I DONT KNOW WHAT: Theres an uneasiness in me now for the world is about to explode and few seem to be preparing and are aware of it. It can happen between Iran and Israel, China and Japan, Russia and the Ukraine, North Korea and South Korea or in some place or places we havent even thought of yet. Arent we seeing earthquakes going on most everywhere now and crazy weather too? The Lord shakes the earth when Hes warning those on it. I know one thing, Im not going to slow down in warning the folks who are listening. If my body will continue to function and He sends me Im going. Jesus said to those near Him, Those who have ears let him hear [what the Spirit is saying]. In a single flash of light Hes coming for His own and anyone who isnt prepared will be left here. There will two in a bed and one will be taken and one left, two in a field and one will be taken and one left. Once we are [in Him] born again were to busy ourselves sharing the Good News and I mean all of it. If you will read 2 Peter youll see theres a day coming when this earth and the sky above it will disappear in fire so hot everything evaporates. Therefore, please dont set your hopes and dreams on something that will be gone. Instead. invest in His Kingdom now and allow the Holy Spirit to come inside you to Rule you. The sons of God are those who follow the Holy Spirit. He leads from [inside us] not by bill boards or sky writing. When we read [daily] from the Word of God Hes making it sensible to us. The Bible tells us the scriptures are Spiritually discerned. [New Testament now please and listen to Jesus, listen to Jesus, listen to Jesus.] Many folks [including pastors] arent listening to Him. This is why there are so many chasing rainbows. They refuse to read the Word of God with Gods Holy Spirit and they always end up in error. Folks, error leads to confusion and confusion to destruction. MY ADVICE: BECOME A JESUS PERSON NOW. Fall at the feet of Jesus and surrender! I love you folks. Please continue to pray for me and my Joan. Shalom.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Apr 2014 02:32:39 +0000

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