SOMETHING THAT I CAN ONLY SAY WHEN YOUR MOTHER IS NOT IN EAR-SHOT DISTANCE Damn it! I have just dropped in to say hi to my friends and apologize for being away. Thing is I have been very busy and not the least my mind which is trying to hatch ideas on how to undergo what I call a next project which is actually an interlude one. I have been good and been thinking about you before wake up and before dipping into bed. Tell you what - I have not been sinning in my absence and the closest that I came to that is when I ate a piece of pumpkin and afterwards someone gave me sweet potatoes. People are great when you meet them in private and when you find them with guards down. Hm! If sinning is as sweet as that I will rather keep on it until I cascade into hell and end up confused if I find more sweet potatoes and other delicacies like that in this same continuous path of life - believe me I will let you know in case they toss me a rod of a kebab drawn out of smoky furnaces of this world. As for the projects - they are nowhere near enough for me to start scoring bragging points against you and that means I have my mouth trap-door shut until I know what to talk about in order to stifle any would be an all LAUGH ABOUT ARTHER FIESTA from you folks hey. Hope to be back on a 24/7 stint on facebook though. Damn! I miss that.
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 08:20:23 +0000

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