SOMETHING TO CELEBRATE – SOMETHING TO SHARE - I would like to share the following experience with my Panache Desai family. In autumn of 2011 a friend of mine told me that I had to go with him to Florida to meet Panache Desai. Panache and his good friend Amrit Desai were offering a Shaktipat weekend in December. My friend had just gone to see Panache a month earlier and had a life changing experience. I went with two friends, Martha Mae and Cristo Bowers and the three of us had a wonderful weekend and met so many wonderful people. We soaked up the Shaktipat experience and the other energy immersions. The thing that most excited and encouraged me was seeing Panache and Amrit doing the kind of energy work that I had envisioned doing at some point in my life. I thought, “Here are people who are doing the kind of things that I see myself doing in the visions that keep coming into my mind.” It helped me see that there was light at the end of the tunnel and I knew that I would be doing the same kind of work within a few years or sooner. I set my intention firmer than before. We stayed two extra days in Orlando, meditating and relaxing. On the day of our departure, I found myself feeling ill, to the point that I could barely standup. I feared we would need to call an ambulance. I asked Cristo to look at my energy. He told me I had been meditating so intently on going higher that all of my energy was directed upward and nothing was coming down. He did some energy work and told me to focus on energy moving up and down in a loop. I was then able to get up and move around, but he had to drive us to the airport. The last two and half years have been the most transformative ones of my whole life. I had long been able to send energetic blessings to people. After entering into unity consciousness in 2006, I started offering blessings that would well up inside of me and I would verbally pronounce them and extend them to the people who were present and sometimes it would seem like light was shining out from just above my head upon everyone in the room. Intuitive friends confirmed it. But, Divine Energy was not yet flowing through me to the extent that I knew was possible. Cristo informed me that two of the several archetypal energies in my field are: The One Who Pours Forth Blessings, Grace, and Divinity and The One Who Brings Blessings, Bringing Things Into Divine Alignment. I could feel the truth of that, but I needed to live up to it. I needed some major shifts to get to where I knew I should be. My Heart Chakra and other chakras had to open further, negative beliefs needed to faced and disintegrated, I had to connect with and express the archetypal energies that I came into this world to express, the Central Channel needed to be cleared and enlarged, and the energy field of the personality had to be raised to a much higher vibration. I needed to connect much more strongly to the higher dimensions of my being and commit myself much more fully to the DIVINE For two and half years I meditated intensely and sent blessings and healing energy to others on an almost daily basis. I could feel openings and great shifts taking place week to week and day by day. My capacity for being aware of and connecting with the Devas increased. It seemed like a cadre of angelic beings were working on me day and night. The visions that kept arising during meditation were rising to higher levels. It felt like an ocean of energy that recognized no bounds, seeking to embrace, uplift, and fill all that is. It just wanted to pour grace and well-being all over everything. Higher levels of energy started to come through and transmit outward during my daily time of sending blessings. I call them energies of Transformation and Transfiguration. ONENESS, WHOLENESS, ALLNESS, UNITY, healing vibrations for the different levels of the energy field, chakra healing, disintegration of negative beliefs, shaping and patterning matter, speaking the DIVINE WORD, Shaktipat (the energy of instantiating something new, setting into place, or bringing into alignment), ILLUMINATION, DIVINE AWARENESS, MONADIC ENERGY, Insight, Renewal, Kindness, Sweetness, Confidence, Gentleness, Love, Abundance, Joy, and so many more. In recent weeks it has become apparent that the time has come to step forward and share these energies more visibly with others. I appreciate you celebrating with me. I appreciate you sending light and blessing to the work that I am starting. I send blessings to all of you. A big thank you to Panache for jump-starting Cristo and to Panache, Amrit, and Cristo for jump-starting me. Thanks to all in this community for being such a fine and supportive group of friends. Up to now, I have stayed in the background, diligently supporting Cristo in his work. We will still be doing programs together, but I now have much broader work to do, which will require most of my time. I will be holding many more events in the coming weeks and months. I am publishing a book within the next few weeks, almost done, which is currently titled, New Insights Into the Human Energy Field: The Energetic Evolution of Humanity. It goes far beyond currently available books on the human energy field, revealing much that is new. It will be highly useful for those who are on a path of transformation. It is based on Cristo’s extensive clairvoyant and other intuitive capabilities as well as many of my own insights and teachings. My work is to send blessings and extend help and guidance to all sorts of situations, but my primary calling is to work with those who are intensely seeking transformation and transfiguration for the purpose serving humanity, and seeking to connect with and express the Divine Archetypal Patterns that they came to Earth to express. I look forward to blessing, serving, and working with many of you in the coming months and years to raise the consciousness of humanity and bring new and more harmonious ways of doing things into existence on the Earth. I know that many of you are on wonderful paths of transformation and have great gifts to share. May you be illuminated by the light of Divinity in all you are and do, and may all of us be lifted together to be our HIGHEST DIVINE EXPRESSION. My contact information is at davidwinfree Blessings, David
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 19:32:38 +0000

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