SOMETHING TO CONSIDER..... IF YOU are a W2 Holder with NO HOME - TopicsExpress


SOMETHING TO CONSIDER..... IF YOU are a W2 Holder with NO HOME BASED are losing $20 Daily or $500 Monthly on Tax Benefits - Dr. Benny Morris THE NETWORK MARKETING PROFESSION IS EXPLODING AND HERE’S WHY? – Sean Ecobar The U.S. government reports more than 3.5 million jobs have been eliminated during the past 10 years. For last year, that’s about 1,900 jobs per day. An estimated 55% of all jobs that will be created in the next 12 years will be mostly minimum wage earners. Today, 87% of all the people in North America earn less than $39,500 a year. LOOK AT THESE PROFOUND FACTS At age 50: 74% of the population have less than $5,000 in the bank for retirement. At age 65: 44% of Americans depend on their relatives. 31% depend on charitable organizations. 24% are still working despite their health conditions. Only about 3% can really make ends meet. At the current time: It is impossible to support a family of two working full time at minimum wage. The current generation of people is averaging a lower standard of living then their parents. The Bureau of Labor Statistics indicate: Of 100 people that start work at the age 25, by the age of 65 2 are wealthy. 3 have enough money to retire comfortably. 66 depend on social security or charity. 29 are dead. The truth of the matter is: 94% of people at age 65 and over cannot afford to retire so they are compelled to work until they die. The network marketing industry began in the 1950’s and since that time America has experienced six recessions. With each recession the industry has experienced significant growth. Network marketing experiences profound growth every time there is instability in the economy! Currently economic instability is at an all time high. Many Americans have lost hope and it’s the children and grandchildren of today who are going to pay the price. The industry is in critical mass, ready to explode into full-blown momentum. Many companies, large and small, are experiencing record growth in overall sales and enrollments, especially during the last two years. Sadly many Americans have lost their jobs. For those that are employed, the last five years has seen the value of their dollars drop by almost 30%. Network marketing gives the average man or woman the ability to create residual income, meaning that you receive it, month after month, for work that you created in the past. It can be compared to a royalty that an author gets from his books. Network marketing provides an in home business opportunity for a much smaller investment than what it would cost to start a traditional business. There are many people that have built large incomes in the network marketing Industry, an industry that provides financial freedom. In fact 10,000 people every year become million-dollar earners. Because of the capacity to generate an extraordinary income for the average person, there has been about 160,000 people joining the network marketing industry every month.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Jul 2013 23:56:03 +0000

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