SOMETHING WONDERFUL IS COMING I have received a - TopicsExpress


SOMETHING WONDERFUL IS COMING I have received a transmission From The Force, Goddess, the Planetary Mind About What Love Wants (that’s the title of one of my books on Kindle) Love wants to take an evolutionary leap Not just to save the planet But because it’s time for us To learn to love at the next level up. The old ways of love are burned out, done, tired They got us where we are To where we can fly, go in space, have the internet I mean, we lived in nature for millions of years And were probably pretty happy And learned a lot of cool survival traits and tricks Then got civilized and did war, real estate, marriage The nuclear family, organized religion Based on a pyramidal hierarchy of access to wisdom. But now, What Love Wants is shifting It started slowly with “love yer enemy” Then get rid of slavery Create democracy You could see the direction it was going. Women’s vote Giving us nukes and saying, hey, if you really wanna use em Go right ahead, But you know it will screw the pooch global like. Goddess has a sense of humor. Now, the average person is shifting their shit And wants a personal life That is a shrine to love. That’s what love wants. It doesn’t care what you want anymore. You had your day. Love is favoring those who favor IT. In some cases it’s opening the individual’s heart And dragging it along, teaching as we go. If you insist on making love about What Me Wants Like, I need a man who is this and that and the other It will say, fine, go ahead and have it. Aggradize self, get the hot lover The one with money, importance whatever And watch it operate at the old level Grinding and whining down In all the old projections. Love, I think, wants the Universal now Love is done being controlled. Love is subtle but vast I don’t know what it wants I do know we can’t know. But I know when It loses interest in me for a time. It has lots of time. Then it will return and set up Some amazing coincidences And open some doors. Even if you aren’t ready. It will invest in you Knowing all you need is a little push, A choice A slathering of bliss So you get it Even if you think you’re not ready And don’t deserve What love wants. It can be upsetting, stressful, annoying To let love have what it wants. After all, you are not in control anymore Like you once thought you were And should be And you, oh, so weren’t!! But love wants this headway It’s on the move It’s done with this traditional old level. Falling in love, dating, heartbreaks, committed The whole tamale It’s moving past that All that will be strange and quaint By the next generation I can feel it. But wtf do I know? What love wants has become fluid now It’s not some new level It’s lots of them Maybe it’s trying a branch out. It’s asking us to listen To pay attention To realize we can’t know It’s asking us to jump On a big learning curve So let’s not hear about what you or me know About What Love Wants. Cuz we don’t. But it’s big I do know that. Something wonderful is coming. I can feel it. I think. I’m just guessing. ~
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 01:21:34 +0000

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